Further along, there was a bird just singing its heart out, celebrating the day:
It was just gorgeous. The leaves were almost unbelievably green against the sunny sky.
If you have to get exercise, it's a good way to do it.
I saw some expected sights, like flowers in purple:
And in yellow:
And some new and unexpected sights.
You can measure how high you can jump? Is this something a lot of people want to check?
And what is this, chin-up bars? Makes me very curious.
It was a nice excursion. I also did a few things around the house today (changed the sheets, washed dishes), and am gearing up for the Bruins game tonight. I'm wearing my new shirt--go Bruins!
I think the Flyers jersey worn by one of our science teachers who is twice your size must've done the trick. Not sure how many more times they can blow it and still win in the end--it's going to be interesting!