Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Not Just Tired, But Wrung Out

So preparing for the audit at work has been plenty stressful, but today, day one of the actual audit, was far too tense to be considered better. I didn't have to go into the audit room (thankfully for all concerned), and was only briefly called on to provide things for someone else to take in and explain, but still, the stress! Ugh. The tension makes my stomach clench. Then all the consolatory chocolate I ate made things more so. Not fun.

So we focus on the positive, like that at this time tomorrow it will be over, done, finished.

And that I bought ice cream at the store.

And that I picked up a couple of knitting books at the library, for research.

And the cats are happy to see me home finally.

Put them all together and what do you get?

Me turning the computer off. Good night!


  1. You're almost there! You're close enough now that you can just power through!

  2. Oh I hope you are having the best sleep ever tonight! What are you researching, and how is your mom? I've been thinking of you two and hope everything is working out the way it should.
