Eventually I did get up, of course; sigh. Don't you love being a grown-up?
Today was a lovely weather day, though from 8:30 to 6, I only saw it through the windows. Still, knowing it was there helped me get through a full-tilt day better than I might have. There were a few moments when I had to breathe, just breathe through all the gotta-do-its tugging me in twenty different directions, and I think if it had been raining, that would have been even harder.
I was thinking about the weather (you: No! Really?), and today was actually a really nice Spring day. Warm, but only in the sun. In the summer, other years when it's actually summer, it's hot in sun or in shade, during the day and at night. We haven't had that yet this year. One night this week, I closed the windows because it was too cold to sleep with them open. In July? Weird, man. I am, of course, delighted to have blue skies and sun, but you know, never satisfied. I like hot weather.
I'm going down to Rhode Island tomorrow to spend time with friends, so I stopped on the way home to fill up the gas tank. I had to snap a photo of these two signs on the pump. Click to make big:
And instead of using an ampersand (&), or the letter n by itself, or even the word and for heaven's sake, they used a ñ?
Also, do you want your candy cold?
It was a lot of puzzling in very little space.
I thought I was going to be watching an episode of Torchwood tonight, but it turns out the two episodes I watched last night were the only ones on the DVD I currently have out from Netflix. The Doctor Who DVDs generally have 3 or 4 episodes per disc, but Torchwood is only 2 or 3. I disapprove of 2. Not Enough. I shall have to find something else to watch tonight. Or perhaps I'll read. Who knows.
And for Netflix, I want to watch the 5th Harry Potter movie again before going to see the 6th, and I don't own it (yet), so I think I'll get that before going on to the next Torchwood.
Just realizing that I haven't had dinner yet. Time to do that!
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