Watching the weather forecast last night, I saw a predicted high for Saturday of 41, and said, "All right!"
And I Meant It. I was genuinely pleased that it will be that (really not very high) temperature (you know, if they're right for once) tomorrow. It's pretty sad. But honestly, when I left for work yesterday, it was 9. This morning, it was twelve.
Sunday it may hit 50. Hold me.
In other news, I am considering covering the temperature display in the car with duck tape. Really, what good is it doing me to know exactly how everloving cold it is? I mean, this kind of gives it away:
February Humor
The Globe added a comic strip a while back that I've really been enjoying: Frazz. It has a distinctive sense of humor that I appreciate.
I am so weird (I know, surprise!) that I want to share with you, not a favorite recent strip, but my favorite part of a strip.

Yeah! (I mean, of course, no to the concept of more recession, but yeah to the idea.) (You knew that, right?) (Sigh.)
Shopping Story from Last Weekend
Yes, I've been meaning to tell you about my Very Exciting shopping extravaganza last weekend. It was a trip I've been meaning to take for a while, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I went to Ocean State Job Lot.
What? You may ask. Well, OSJL is a chain of bargain stores mostly in Rhode Island (i.e., the Ocean State), where you can find very random things for very low prices. Or so I had heard, not having been to one myself. Although there are stores in MA, they are mostly in the southeast corner of the state, the one near RI. However, I recently learned that there was one in Danvers, of all random places, and finally went up there. I bought many random things, for not much money. See?
Six pair of socks for $3.99! They're polyester, olefin, and rubber, and decently warm.
Four skeins of yarn for a total of $6! I don't know what it will be yet, but at that price there's no rush.
I looked for a small rubber scraper at Bed and Bath recently and could not find one. All those kitchen implements, and not the one I wanted. Here you go! $1.50!
Strawberry jam with no HFCS. It's good, too.
The green shopping bag to the left was 85 cents with an internet coupon; it's usually $1.50. I debated getting it, as I have a fair number of bags already, and decided to as it's larger than most, plus it has a rectangle to go in the base and give it support. It works really well. I might have preferred the aesthetic appeal of this one:
But 3 for $10 hardly compares.
The final item in the photo has the longest back story. First, we go back a couple of years, to when a friend gave me a bar of lovely scented soap as a gift. Not only did it smell nice, but it was really good soap, felt good on the skin, etcetera. I put the box away to remember to look out for another.
Every once in a while, I would run across the box and think oh yeah, but not do anything about it. The weekend before last, when I was cleaning out some drawers, throwing away expired medications and other uckies, I ran across the box again and thought, "Oh for goodness sake, stop keeping this! Look online and then give it up." Which is exactly what I did. I looked online, didn't quickly find a place to get the soap, and threw the box away.
One week later, I found the exact soap at OSJL. $1 per bar. I bought three.

more animals
Her Name Seems to be Miri
It's sticking: it comes to mind and rolls trippingly off the tongue. I still call her baby and little girl, but sometimes Miri-girl, too.
Though he mostly chooses to sleep alone.
Feet lose their fearsomeness when I am sitting. Walking is terrifying, and she'll run, but the instant I hit the couch, she's there to say hi, and be admired.
Cats. They're so ... whatever.
Miri is a great name.
ReplyDeleteIt's also the name of one the characters in a few of books in the Liaden series by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller. _Agent of Change_ is the first one with her. Miri is 5' of red haired mercenary sergeant.
Alright I'm under 40 and the cat is still John Lennon. Isn't Ocean State great? We have one near us, it's the best for random. There's a Big Lots on Rt. 1 north, love that place too. The Christams Tree Shop has yarn sometimes too.
ReplyDeleteMiri seems very fitting for her. I love seeing the pictures of the kitties looking so adjusted.