Friday, October 24, 2008

A Tale of Two Kitties

As I mentioned the other day, the cats have been displaying extreme couch possessiveness lately, and there has been a lot of warm-spot bogarting as well. In the interest of fair reporting, I wanted to show you this:

And especially this.

Dis my brudder. Gets yer own.

Now, had Harold troubled himself to learn to speak* English, he would have something scathing to say about my use of the word "fair" above. This is because he has had much to complain of recently in the fairness department. Pan has been getting the extra treats lately, and not for Harold, and why, why, how could that possibly be fair?

*For he certainly understands it.

And the answer of course is that it isn't fair, but it is what it is.

Pan lost a lot of weight when he wasn't eating for, oh, most of September, and he needs to put it back on. Right now, he's like a furry skeleton, with the fur sticking out oddly here and there. (Which does make sense, actually; if I lost 50 pounds in a month, my skin would be hanging differently too, and in his case the fur just accentuates the change.)

Because of this, even though Pan is eating his crunchies again, I'm trying to tempt him with extra goodies, to build his strength. I tried baby food at my petsitter's recommendation, and he ate some but left more. So I'm trying canned cat food, too, and he seems to like the kind that comes in sauce that he can lick off. (I figure, whatever gets something in him, right?)

Harold's grievance is that he doesn't get the yummy too, and who can blame him? The thing is, while Pan wasn't eating, Harold emphatically was, and more than he needed, and he put on more weight when he was big to begin with. He's now a hefty armload to lift, and I really can't be giving him a lot of extra treats. I feel badly about it, and I try to give him extra love sessions, and play with him, but you know cats, they live in the now, and the cuddles of an hour ago are forgotten in the face of brother gets a treat and I don't.

It's hard, being a pet parent sometimes.

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