And in case you're looking for further confirmation? As I opened Blogger and wrote the title and first line of this post, a huge thunderstorm moved into the area, threatening enough that I turned off the computer Just In Case. I must have really offended her.
The day after my first cucumber plants suffer some critter damage, I found this:

The first wee pea pod. It's official. Should the worst happen, I will be crushed (again).
Not that I don't know that growing my own is slow. I didn't start flashing back to Friday night in my kitchen or anything:

But oh, please, Mama Nature, don't take my peas, not two years in a row!
Have you ever seen such a thing? The way it unfolds out of itself captivates me.

And the tenacity with which the tendrils grab:

Even the green beans are covered with flowers!

And, in a day of wee first things, the first wee cucumber. I know, it's not much to look at yet, but after all, they all start this way. Isn't that something?

Know what else? Tonight I took the basil I picked yesterday, and made pesto. Which was approximately one hundred billion times easier in my little food processor than in the blender. Like, zap! How do I love that little guy? Let me count the ways... Thanks again, mother dear!
Okay, why am I not in bed yet?
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