It only looks like a shower curtain to silly two-leggers. To Harold, the bag is the Best Toy Ever.
I mentioned the last time I gave him one that he goes through the bags faster than I need to put up a new shower curtain. Well, his old one was getting terribly ratty:

I mean really ratty, like destroyed, in just over four months.

That's a lot of tooth-marks, yes? Nom nom nom.
But I don't even need to put up the shower curtain I have waiting in the linen closet, the one I took out of its bag to give him in February. What's a girl to do?
Building 19 (actually, 19 and a half) to the rescue. Paying $3.99 for the bag might seem ridiculous, but there are many cat toys that cost more! And even though the plum-colored one fits neither my shower, which has a very high bar, nor my bathroom colors, I won't throw it out, I'll give it to the Salvation Army and someone will be happy. Win-win!
Speaking of winning, more peas in the garden:

I saw no less than four little pods this morning. There are two in this shot, can you find them?

Forgot Where's Waldo, right? Where's pea-pod? Thanks, by the way, for the kitty-litter suggestions on my recent post about signs of critters in the garden. Used kitty litter is never in short supply around here (sigh), and I will bring some in post-haste and "plant" it. You guys are great!
In other garden news, the camera does not read my mind and focus on what I want it to. Here, instead of focusing on the silly way the cucumber plant has grabbed the string and tendrilled around it for dear life, it was sure I was trying to shoot the mint in the background, which has sprung from nowhere.

I didn't plant it, but when I was weeding, there it was. What can I do with mint? Anyone?
Now, I'm off to play with yarn. No, not the baby blanket either, silly me! A few of us from my stitch and bitch group are going to the Stitch and Pitch game at the Lowell Spinners Monday night, and I can't work on a lap full of blanket outside in July! I mean, I'm reasonably sure the park isn't air conditioned, so I simply have to pull together something more portable!
Mint ideas:
ReplyDeletegive it away
put it in hot or iced tea
cut it in a bouquet
replant it where it can start a nice bed of mint