Slight tangent: One thing I wish Blogger did is to give me a quick-and-easy way to respond to comments. I get the comments sent to my e-mail, which is handy, but I can't reply to the commenter directly. What I can do, if the commenter puts in the info, is click to their Blogger profile, go to their blog, and see if there's an e-mail address there for them ... but I often don't get around to it. I love comments, I do! But that's just too many steps for a quick reply. I know I'm revealing a lazy component to myself, but history speaks for itself.
What do you do about comments, if you have a blog? Do you use Blogger, or something else? Do you respond to every comment, some comments, or no comments? What about when you've left a comment, do you expect a reply to every comment? By not responding, do I come across as uncaring? (I'm not, I'm not!)
Also, do you have any self-imposed rules about when you will leave a comment on a post? Do you comment only if you have something to add to the conversation, or just to say 'amen, me too', or for no particular reason?
Does anyone but me think about these things?
Well, that was some tangent. Onward:
From the lol job description, it sounds like it couldn't just be telecommuting, and since "Boston to Seattle" makes my current commute look tiny, I'm not planning to apply. I wasn't searching job postings, either; I read about it somewhere.
If it was local, though! Not that I'm looking for a different job, I like my job fine, but if something like that (only here) fell into my lap, well, really, how could I say no?
The cats are fine. Really, they continue to be fine, and it's my emotions that go up and down. Mostly I'm fine with the situation, and enjoy now with them, but some days aren't as good, which I guess is only natural.
The technology only got weirder. Not only did my friends' DVD player not play sound, it wouldn't play the DVD at all. It just sat there whirring "loading" until we gave up. Not only does it baffle me, it beat me.
I wish I knew how it had happened, though. It's not like I spent Saturday randomly pushing buttons and changing settings on my player, so how could it work Friday and record so selectively Saturday? Shrug. Not having a tech-geek of my own, I think I need to rent one to tweak my system, such as it is, so that it all works. DVD recorder, VCR, cable box, and near-20-year-old TV, what's so hard about that, right?
I knock wood as I say that my garden continues to grow, without further critter incursions. Since other plots in the garden have not been so lucky, I really do wonder if the cups of kitty litter are discouraging the thing from bothering my plants. It's hard to be sure ... but so far, so good. My harvest thus far includes more than 50 peas, which is fifty times what I got last year, so I'm quite pleased with that.
I've had almost as many green beans, too, which I'm also happy about. I guess I don't know much about green bean varieties, though, since I was rather surprised that these grow flat, not round. They still taste like green beans, so I'm not unhappy about it, but it was a surprise.
I did pick that lone cuke yesterday. Looking around at the many nibbled cucumber plants, I felt like I was asking for trouble, leaving it there. I won't be getting many cukes this year*, so I wouldn't want to miss this one!
*Started with six plants, and one puny one died of natural causes in short order. Of the five remaining, one had all its leaves nibbled off, three had most of their leaves nibbled off, and one had only some of its leaves nibbled off. The plants aren't currently dead, but they are not the most promising things one can imagine. I'm trying to be realistic: I may get more cukes, but the one may be It. Which is not ideal, but it's okay.
I will go back to the Banish February socks and try that bind-off again, I'm sure. Just ... not yet. Every once in a while, I think of them again, and I can feel my face stiffening into unpleasant lines. I can almost feel my blood pressure rising. I'm going to wait until those symptoms diminish. For now, I'm trying to keep going on the so-not-portable baby blanket (which of course is portable, but awkward), with the new Kangaroo socks for travel knitting (Kangaroo refers to the yarn, not the pattern).
For lack of a better finish, I'll give you a lolcat, since I somehow posted the lol job description yesterday without one, and we can't have that. Let's see ... how about this one?

Or this? It goes with the whole technology baffles me concept.

Maybe this one is the best to end with.

If someone includes their email in their blogger profile, it will show up in the email sent to you. Instead of replying to "no-reply" or whatever that blogger default is, the actual address will be there. You should see mine in this comment. :-)
ReplyDeleteOtherwise, no, I don't know how to get back to people. But I've collected most regular commenters' email addresses by now.
My blog lays fallow upon the cyberplain - I don't have the facility with words you do. But I did go to my blogger profile and update it so the "email me" link is active...i use gmail - ordinary convention of first initial last name followed by the @g mail dot com (I sing "dot com" like the commercial did - what company WAS that anyhow?)
ReplyDeletesharr shortened, I'm told, from the Russian since Ellis Island examiners weren't always careful about last names.
I know you care but as strangers on the train there's only so much interaction we can expect. It's nice when it turns into more though.
Do you think Soba posed for Photo #1? I can relate entirely to #2 and #3 has that awwwwww factor all the way.
> What do you do about comments, if you have a blog? Do you use Blogger,or something else?
ReplyDeleteI use Wordpress, which lets me see when I have a new comment. I don't respond to comments in email, but with another comment.
> Do you respond to every comment, some comments, or no comments?
Some comments. Like emails, some really don't require a response.
> What about when you've left a comment, do you expect a reply to every comment?
> By not responding, do I come across as uncaring? (I'm not, I'm not!)
I know you are not. And I think someone who expects a response for their every comment is asking too much.
> Also, do you have any self-imposed rules about when you will leave a comment on a post? Do you comment only if you have something to add to the conversation, or just to say 'amen, me too', or for no particular reason?
I suppose my general rule is that I comment when I feel the urge. Really, I think all bloggers LOVE comments, even small "Amen!" ones, so when you have something nice to say, I say go for it.
> Does anyone but me think about these things?