Not to compare with Robyn, of course. But for a small patch by a near-complete gardening amateur, I'm more than pleased.
This week, I have picked 25 pea pods, 12 green beans, enough basil to make pesto, and a little catnip as well. Yes, I am counting. Though I may stop reporting on the catnip, since it's hardly an achievement. The bush is very large, through no work of mine, and plucking the leaves is hardly work. I do think Pan doesn't like the lemon catnip as much as regular. Sometimes, he'll gobble it right down, but other times he walks away from it, not something I'm used to seeing him do with catnip.
Anyway! Last night I "planted" more cups of
Also this week, when one of my co-workers was driving in past the garden, he almost hit a deer. It's possible that's what's getting in, but personally I doubt it, as I think some tracks would show up. I can't prove anything either way. So, in the ccr-centric universe I inhabit, I will continue to hope that my plants don't get eaten. I just can't worry about everyone else's. Sorry.
I also saw a dragonfly in the garden this morning.

I have a love-hate relationship with mosquitoes.
I hate them.
They love me.
When I work in the garden after work, I spray on the bug spray, except for last week when I forgot and was rewarded with two bites on my ankle, that itched like crazy for the next three days. I don't usually see any bugs when visiting the garden during the day.
Today, though, one got me on the arm. I thought I brushed it off before I was bitten, but Wrong! Oh, the welt, oh the itchy.
I hate mosquitoes.
Finally, portrait of a happy cat:

It certainly reminds me of this, though:

He woke up a little grumpy. You'd think the sound of the zoom was the cannons in the 1812 Overture.

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