Another blog I read, Book Trout, posted about his results in The Blog Readability Test. He was a little surprised, but in a good way, that his blog was rated at Genius reading level.
Now, I enjoy a little meaningless blog quiz as much as the next blogger, and probably more than some. What is my regional accent, what movie character am I, whatever, it can be fun. Over I clicked, and plugged in my blog's name.

Don't I use enough big words? I would have said I did...
I don't blog for two days and I feel like I've missed telling you a lot. (I missed you. Did you miss me? You missed a lot of whining, at least.) I did, in fact, finish the first sock on Monday night. Sound the trumpets!

However, despite doing my best to cast off loosely, the top edge is a little uncomfortable. I think I'll be ripping out the bind-off and a row or two, and binding off even more loosely. I did bind off over two needles, but I think if I use a larger needle, I'll be even happier with the result. And I am pretty happy with it as is!
Plus, I like the way the edge ruffles.

It did that all by itself. Isn't it clever?
Here's something I wanted to share, since I get the feeling most of you aren't necessarily hockey fans, and I don't know that they play this during anything but hockey games. It's a commercial from the NHL, and what I like is how they've put together scenes from many different games, different eras, kids, pond hockey, but managed to make the flow look like it's continuous action and only the camera angle is changing.
I like the music, too.
The other thing I've been doing while I was not blogging for a whole 48 hours? Look what I found at Target:

It's an experiment. I thought perhaps, having eaten many, many of these over the course of a week, if I can just get to the "enough" point, I could be cured.
And you know the best part? Aside from eating them, of course? Look what's on the back:

All the little flavors. I can try to guess whether I'm about to eat peanut or caramel apple. I am in serious danger of conducting geeky experiments with flavors, because really, what's the taste difference between Lemon and Lemon Drop? Strawberry Daiquiri and Strawberry Jam? Stay tuned...
I've seen a bunch of blogs that took that test, and nobody's reading level was above junior high. The results are clearly skewed. Or else we are all good bloggers because our blogs don't read like dense textbooks.