The flowers I brought to my grandmother for her birthday:

The tag said snowdrops, I think. Close-up of the coolest-colored one:

Daffodils in their natural habitat (do dafs grow in the wild anywhere?):

The critter we saw walking near work one day last week:

I thought he was cute until it occurred to me, he might have been the garden-eater last summer. In which case I hate him. Though I signed up for another plot this year. Am I a glutton for punishment? Discuss.
Driving to NY on Friday, I saw sunset in one direction...

...and moonrise in the other.

Of course, ten minutes later I was by the side of the road with a flat tire, and enjoying the view far, far less. Life, eh?
Some choice items from the dollar store (which was next door to the tire shop we visited the next day, in case you're wondering why I would go to a dollar store while visiting relatives).
I think you would have to offer me a LOT of money before I would even try this:

And although these drinks were intriguing in various ways, the fact that they were unrefrigerated makes me question the "milk" claim on the right. At least the Havana drink on the left says "Delicious hot or iced", though even that leaves out room temperature, doesn't it?

Now, if people eat animal crackers, what do animals eat?

Another thing I can't fathom.

May I say, taking photos in a dollar store felt a little ... unseemly for some reason. How does one wash out one's camera with soap?
Look at all the green! That should clean things out.

The dafs are coming! And the hyacinths, and crocus...

Yes, Spring is finally getting its rear in gear. The weather has been vastly improved of late, and while it won't last*, I have been enjoying it tremendously.
Not only does it feel wonderful, and smell great, but it looks so pretty:

*I'm not just being pessimistic. Today was mid-eighties, and Sunday is forecast for 60. Enjoy it while it's here!
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