I've also been looking at lolcats, who appeal to my sense of humor (or perhaps I should say, help me rediscover it in these dark days [don't talk to me of the first day of Spring, please, I'm in No Mood]). What, you want to see a few? Try this:


Remind you of anyone?

I'll stop now, but honestly, I think laughing out loud is my best medicine these days.
Knitting isn't bad, either. Remember, I bought this yarn to counteract winter, and the Banish February socks are coming nicely. When last we saw Sock the First, it was barely an ankle sock, and look at it now:

One with flash, one without, pick your poison. With is a bit closer to true color, but without isn't as washed-out looking as I feel with is. Blame camera or photographer? Camera!

(I love my camera, actually.) I forgot to photograph how much yarn is left, but it's a fair bit, which is good. No chilly calves! Shortly, I will switch out of the pattern stitch into ribbing for the top, and then number one will be done!
Of course, I cast on something else last night, but it's a fling, not a commitment. A friend's birthday is coming up, and I thought I'd make a quick, fun scarf for her. For some reason, when I wound the yarn last night, I felt like diamonds:

What do you think? Since I did that much last night and at lunch, it's pretty quick. It needs to be a bit longer before I decide if it's a keeper.
Speaking of keepers, I love this shot of the boys. They look like a long-married couple who have nothing to say to each other anymore, but still are never far from each other.

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