the weather these last few days has been a lovely departure from what we have been dealing with. Today was the high point, according to the forecast, and it was a new record in Boston, 66 degrees. Fabulous! I'll take that for the next few months, thank you. Unfortunately I won't have the chance, but I mean I would, I so would love that. Oh well. I enjoy it while it's here. And it has melted lots of the white stuff (actually, the gray cruddy grimy formerly white stuff), though not all of it by a long shot. Ah well. When I left work tonight, look what I found:

So pretty! It was probably even more so ten minutes earlier, but I'm glad I saw it at all.
Then the knitting. Due to a setback in a project resurrection that I thought might work (not!), I'm back to hats, this time for the babies, who are rapidly growing out of the first ones I made for them. In order to test the yarn and needles to see how they work together, I did a Half-Assed Swatch (that's when you knit a few rows of a few stitches and decide it's close enough:

I'm holding two colors together to make a substitution for a chunkier yarn. If all goes well, I should have more to show you later in the week, but no promises, pets! You know how the knitting fates frown on such hubris.
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