Quick knit on US size 10 needles, with some yarn I picked up on sale a couple of years ago, mainly because the brand is SandnesGarn and my grandmother grew up in Sandnes, Norway. The label for this says "Alfa" in large letters and underneath, "Maskin Vaskbar" (which latter is, according to this online translator*, "machine ablution". Good lord, it's machine washable!). 72 stitches, knit until deep enough, regular decreases, easy-peasy.
*found by Google-ing "translate norwegian english"
I won't be doing this all year, but here are the two items I've completed in 2008:

The top one, I don't think I said, was done on US size 6 needles, 88 stitches, k2p2 for about an inch before switching to all knit, and then it's the same as the gray one the rest of the way. The yarn on that is some Lion Brand Wool-Ease Sportweight, which I bought for $1.99 a skein at Building 19 a year or two ago. I started the hat with it because I had the yarn out already, using it for the mittens I made at Christmas-time:

The little ones (top) are the same size as the ones I made for the twins (which by the way I gave them when I saw them on Thursday, and they fit!). The larger pair was done by doubling the yarn, which resulted in larger but not twice as large. Isn't that interesting? Not that it mattered in the slightest, since I gave them to the mitten tree at the library last month, but still, knitting is fascinating sometimes.
And not just to me! I had my "stuff" out finishing the hat, and when I went to get it out of Pan's way, he immediately sat down on it, as if to say, "Don't worry on my account, I'll just check this out now."

Either silk smells interesting to him, or it's just that it's different. Who know?
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