No? Just me? Oh, well, story of my life.
The reason I'm wearing a glove under my mitten is a simple one. The mitten is turning out to be too large for my hand, or at least larger than it would need to be, but I'm not bothered, because this way I can wear them over my gloves, for added warmth! (At least, it works in theory; we'll see what real life does to this idea.) The pattern is called Alex's mittens, and clearly Alex has larger hands than I do. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I'm sure he's a very nice person.
So the mitten is coming along nicely. I got a lot done last night, when the Bruins game was too painful to watch. Listening to it while simultaneously pattern-watching and trying (mostly successfully) to keep Harold from dive-bombing the yarn was ... bearable. (8-2! Oy vey.)
In other news, I have a new printer! Yes, it took me eight months in one sense, and less than 24 hours in another. I work in mysterious ways. In fact, I now have a printer, scanner, fax, and copier. Love the all-in-one! Though I must give props to the old printer, it's the one I bought with my first Internet-able computer, which was about ten years ago*. I'd call that a pretty respectable tenure. (Go, HP.) I am now ready for my W-2, which will no doubt arrive on the last possible day (the 31st) just because I want it. Isn't that like life?
*Isn't it amazing that in ten years, it's gone from an oddity to a necessity?
I'm waiting for my HP 932C to bite the dust - I got it right after tax season 2000 - and then I too will go the 4-in-1 route. I'm so tired of that scanner taking up room on the desktop! What model did you get?