Thursday, March 12, 2020

Pick Your Song

Of course I washed my hands before all the coronavirus fears, as I'm sure you did as well, but I'd be lying if I said that I'm not taking a little more care to be thorough about it these days. And if, like me, you're already sick of singing happy birthday to set how long you scrub, this nice person created a way to plug in a song you like, and get a washing poster set to it.

For me? As always when clearing out songs that are stuck in my head, I used Clean, by Depeche Mode.
What can I say, it works for me. Tell me what you'd use!

1 comment:

  1. I've been doing The Theme From Flood by They Might Be Giants. Has the added bonus of getting Birdhouse in your Soul stuck in my head afterward (which is MY go-to for driving away earworms).
