Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Miniscule Improvement Is Still Improvement

Last night didn't get better than the day mostly had been (though stitch and bitch was good), and I got on my computer after I got home last night, and found myself looking with great frustration at this:
And an hour later, it was all the way up to 25%, and I was a little more frustrated. (When I had turned it off before going out, it made me choose "Update and shut down," so I rather thought it would have its shit together three hours later, but alas, no.) The Bruins game didn't even start until 8, and at the end of the first, they were down 2-0, to add to the joy.

But I just kept telling myself that today would be better, which, thanks to a solid night's sleep, it has been (and if the Bruins went on to lose, well, at least I didn't stay up late to watch it). Even though I got a report in today that shows a terribly incomplete understanding of our editorial guidelines. But it isn't actually that badly written, other than fundamentally misunderstanding that there is a difference between "that" and "which" (something a lot of the analysts seem to struggle with), and hey, since it has to be back in a big rush-rush, at least I got it with most of today to work on it, instead of them saying it would come in on Tuesday but meaning by that, "before midnight." Small victories.

And even though I feel like I could go to sleep now, I'm off to try to get a few small things done before I do go to bed. Every little bit helps.

And hey: Two weeks from tomorrow, I'm off to Florida! That thought makes me smile.

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