Sunday, August 07, 2016

And the Rest of Florida

I've had a nice lazy being-home weekend, and now I'm trying to get a few things done before it's over...oh, weekends, why are you so short?

But back to Florida. As I mentioned Friday, I had a good time there! Especially on my vacation days, of course. Plenty of relaxing on the lanai, reading or talking or staring at the view, and/or knitting. Good meals, in and out. Mostly good weather, with the understanding that summer in Florida is going to be hot, and humid, and there will be thunderstorms just about every day.

And there were some doozies! More than once, we sat on the lanai and watched a light show, impressed. Then, driving home from something, I took these two pictures, five seconds apart, showing how the weather can be very different to the right and left. Beautiful day:
And not so much.
We took the boat ride at the conservancy, and though I had noticed this guy in the waiting area before:
I didn't remember seeing the sign about what he was.
There was also a nice sign about manatees. One of these days, I hope to see one live.
The ride itself was nice, as it always is. The guide said that he was newly certified, but he certainly knew his stuff. And we were the only ones on the ride, which was fun.

Part of the route looks like you're about to get stuck, but there's always a path when you get closer.
Mangroves doing their thing.
It looks a little like it's falling in, but they just grow that way.
And as they stop passing bits of leaves and sediment, they make new islands.
It's a messy business, really.
See the sunning turtles?
We tried a beach walk one day, at my request.
I love walking on the beach, and hoped it wouldn't be too hot.
It was so beautiful ... but it was too hot; the breeze came and went, but mostly went. We aborted, though not before seeing this little egret, hanging hopefully around the fishing.
Unfortunately for me, I managed to really blister my tender feet--it's a talent, I swear, that walking maybe a mile landed me with an actual blister, about the size of my thumbprint, on the sole of my foot. And blisters between my toes, from the flip flops that I had been wearing without incident for several days. I am a delicate flower. There was much hobbling. Ow.

But back to fun things. How about this ouch of a sign?
I wonder what the fan is?

How about a few mailboxes?

For my manatee-loving friend, I had to snap this fisheries and wildlife vehicle
With a bumper sticker that said "Slow Manatee":
Even better, a Truly Nolen truck:
And maybe one of you has an idea for the meaning of this license plate?
MONTHAR? Anyone? Ideas?

This one, I expect, could be "Island Auto," right? Anything else?
How about this bumper sticker, eh?
Heavy stuff.

I saved the best car for last; we went to lunch and found a 1933 Auburn in the parking lot. Naturally. It was gorgeous.
In mint condition, too.

I love the straps holding the spare tire on, with the side mirror attached.
Just lovely.
Anyway, that should wrap us up from Florida, I think. Unless I come up with more to say about it!

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