Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Too Tired Too Early

For some reason, I didn't sleep well last night, and oh, how I abused that snooze button this morning. Good thing it can't talk back! Carlos didn't help me sleep, since he had a raging case of the phantom-starving, no, not that food, I want other food going on. So that was fun (not), and it was a long sleepy day, and the Bruins game didn't start until 7:30 tonight, and I'm fearful of more overtime. But sufficient unto the day is the overtime thereof, etcetera*.
*By the way, Blogger's spell-check flagged etcetera, and its first suggestion is tetrameter. Because of course that's what I meant. No, racketeer! No, terrace!

Monday morning was a perfect example of what I mean when I sometimes think, "People don't understand what I really mean when I say that I am totally uncoordinated." I managed to punch* the door frame, and what was I doing? Putting on my shirt. The way I do every morning after I shower, and I've never hit the door frame before, but ow, ow, ow, I hit it dead on yesterday. Seriously, I literally bruised my knuckles** putting on my shirt. This is a special level of uncoordinated, don't you think?
*Being the word nerd that I am, I also wondered if "punch" was the right word. Does that imply intention? I certainly didn't mean to do it!
**I was putting ice on them Monday morning. There is slight but visible bruising. Honestly!

Given that my Monday morning could be said to have started with the 1 AM experience of stepping in cat vomit, it was clear that this week would have another true Monday. It ended, by the way, when I walked into something and bashed my toe, just to balance the hand from the morning. How is it that the weekend before a trip evaporates in the blink of an eye, but the week before departure stretches endlessly?

Naturally, just to make it all Even More So, the head bigwig is in the office on Tuesday and Wednesday, so dressing up is required* (though I still don't understand why we have a different dress code when he's here). Dude needs to go home for a while; he was just here.
*Mind you, today I wore some of my Chico's Travelers wardrobe, which is as comfortable as sweats, but it's the principle of the thing.

I was so tired this morning that, when the idea of boss-sponsered lunch crossed my mind, I kind of hoped that he wouldn't be doing it again, since the ordering was so stressful last time (I know, I'm so weird). And I thought that since my boss didn't say anything about it in the morning, that I was off the hook, but there she was at 11, holding out his credit card and telling me that what we got last time would be fine--like I remembered exactly what we got last time! I'm so much better at planning than I am at spontaneity. This time, I'll keep the notes, which should guarantee that I don't have to do it again. (I don't know what will happen tomorrow; last time, he wasn't here for two days, just the one. Will it be pizza again? Stay tuned!)

It does go to show that if you don't want to get to be The Person Who Always Does That Thing, you should mess it up the first time. Otherwise, you're stuck! Your helpful lesson for the day, kids.

Now, I'm off to eat something and watch the rest of the Bruins game. However long that takes (yawn). Go Bruins!

1 comment:

  1. I totally understand the whacking your hand on the door frame thing. I've done it and I am especially clumsy during PMS time. I dropped my keys in the parking lot both at work and at home today. Whoops.

    Wayne Gretzky and Sting were at the game! OMG!
