It's ironic that we call a three-day weekend a "long" weekend, when it
doesn't feel long at all. Of course, I spent about 11.5 hours of it
driving, which even while uneventful cuts into the relaxation. Still, it was a great time,
and I came back with pictures, memories, and four bug bites* whose itch is
driving me mad, thanks for asking. Ow! Itch!
*I actually got another bite, too, but it hardly itches. Must be a different kind of bite.
I've also got (what I hope is) the tail-end of Thursday's headache, which has spent far too long hanging about and needs to am-scray ow-nay! It means that I'm not going into detail now, though. I'll give you a teaser, though. Guess what I got to ride in?
Let the speculation commence.
Dodge from late 1920's to mid 1930's. Now you weren't in that all those 11.5 hours of driving, were you??