Sunday, April 15, 2012

Spring Cleaning

I've been doing some cleaning up around here lately, and before I go into that further, I would like to state that it is not because my mother is coming. I mean, it's not because she's coming and she's critical and I have to clean up for her. She is (coming), but she isn't (critical) and I don't (have to clean up for her). And even if she was critical (were critical?) and I did have to clean for her visits, I wouldn't be clearing drawers and hidden corners. This stuff needs to be done, and it hasn't been.

One of my superpowers* is my amazing clutter-blindness, as well as the awesome ability to not notice dust and cat hair until they are past the bunny stage and well on to dust rhinos. I would always, always rather read or knit or watch TV instead of cleaning. And unemployment, while giving me a lot more free time, has not resulted in my spending any more of it cleaning than I did when I was working.
*Do you have any superpowers like that?

I do like things to be clean, I just am willing to overlook it if no one else is around. Whenever someone else is coming, it's like my eyes open and whoa, are those Christmas presents on the side table? In April? When was the stove-top last cleaned? And when is the last time I swept up the kitty litter from the corners?

I'm also a clutterbug of the kitchen-table-pile variety. Here's just one corner I've cleared up recently:

Just ... stuff. I should deal with it regularly, I know. I mean to, at first I do, and then one thing gets put aside for later, and then another, and soon it's like this. For months.

The sad thing is, it makes me happy when it gets cleaned up, and you'd think I'd want to do that just for myself. I'm not one of these people who thinks that because I live alone, I'm not worth cooking for, and I don't eat standing up over the sink because why bother to set the table for one. But cleaning up ... I just don't get to it. The immediate pleasure of doing something pleasant overrules the delayed gratification of cleaning and tidying.

At any rate, it's getting better around here. Not perfect, but better. Which makes me happy. And impresses others not at all.
Doubtless laundry day will get their attention, but today they sleep undisturbed.

As you can see, I was ready for yesterday's Bruins game:
Coke and pretzels, knitting, and the bingo card to mark when the announcers said predictable things (courtesy of a Capitals blog; see me being open-minded). Chocolate not pictured, but naturally in the house. And go!

Sadly, the Bruins lost in the second overtime. I didn't expect the Bruins to sweep the series, but it doesn't make losing any more fun. I hope the Bruins kick it up a notch tomorrow night. (Mum, we're watching game four together on Thursday!)

Have you tried this?
LogoThere are
people with my name in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?
You put in your first and last name, and they tell you how many of "you" there are, as well as some stats about each name individually. Kind of interesting.

I knew there were a couple of "us", but five others, eh? We should get together some time. Don't know how I'll contact them, though, since they aren't giving out my e-mail address to anyone (which is a problem for some people, I know). I suppose I could Google-stalk them to find out, but wouldn't that get the relationship off on the wrong foot? "Hi, you don't know me, but we have the same name..."

Happy tax day, except that it's Sunday, oh and tomorrow's a holiday, so that will be Tuesday. Well, whatever. Have a good one!


  1. I'm the only one of me, and (I'm laughing) there are "1 or fewer people with..." my husband's name. That's for the link - it's fun.

    With regard to clutter, well, you're not alone.

  2. If I use my maiden name, there are 19 of me. With my hyphenated married name, there's just me!
