Friday, February 04, 2011

Friday Night Incoherence

On a really good night, the trip home will take half an hour, or slightly less. Most nights, it's more like 45 minutes to an hour. Tonight, it was an hour and a half. The only stop I made was to get gas, perhaps ten minutes. Tiresome.

I was so pleased when I left work and it wasn't full dark out, but by the time I got home it was.

I did think of one more thing that I'm grateful for relating to the snow situation. It doesn't exactly make me glad we have the snow, but given that we do, I am so, so relieved that I am not taking the T in this weather. Can you imagine? Remember all my complaints taking it in the summer? (You: Oh, do you think I remember? Every day at great length with the kvetching? Yes, I seem to vaguely recall something about that.) Dealing with delays and other problems, navigating snowbanks, slush and boots, crowded in with coats and hats, dropping gloves, freezing and overheating simultaneously? I think I would be in a padded room already.

My imagination is so vivid that I stop reading job descriptions once I see they're in the city. Better for all involved if I don't go there. I guess it's fortunate that I haven't seen the otherwise-perfect job that's located in Boston. (Not even close, in fact.) (Lately, there have been a lot of intern listings, and I could stand that to end soon.)

Meanwhile, I got an e-mail today from my high school about reunion. Twenty-five years, really? Wasn't it just twenty years a minute ago?

I haven't gone to a reunion yet. Doubt I'll go to this one. But who knows what May will bring?

I realize that this isn't the most cohesive entry ever. But last Friday I got back from my extended trip, I spent two days trying to resume normal life, I worked one day, had two snow days, then worked two days. I don't quite know which way is up right now. So instead of worrying about it, I'm going to bed.

1 comment:

  1. I went to my 20 year reunion 2 years ago and it was actually a lot of fun. A lot of us had "reconnected" on FB so it was fun to see everyone in person. I'm not really good friends with anyone from those days and I unfriended almost everyone after the reunion (ha!! it was fun!) but it was a kick. How does time go so freaking fast?
