Wednesday, February 10, 2010

So-So Snow, Cats, and a Random Rant

So far, and I'm happy to say this, the OMG! snow! storm Boston was preparing for today has been a bust. Yes, it's snowed some, and it's very windy, but when I left work at five I only had a tenacious dusting to clear off the car, and going home, the roads were ... damp, is all. It's not done yet, and I know south of the city they got more, but in my own world, no problems yet. Thankfully.

I've had dinner, and some kitty-cuddles thanks to Carlos and his non-hatred of human contact, which is pretty much the diametric opposite of Miri (who, if I touch her or move toward her in a way she dislikes, will either remove herself, or stare at me in a "what kind of deviant are you" way, or both).

This is a relaxed cat.
Not every cat can sleep en pointe du nez.
Wistful cat: Just because I flee from you, you pat another cat?
Now, since work continues to suck, I am going to search around a bit. Tune in tomorrow for knitting news!

Random Rant of the Day: I love Google, and think that there is practically* nothing to complain about in GMail and Google Reader and Picasa. But! I can't get the spam filter in my GMail to accept that the monthly bonus-deals newsletter from my credit card company is not spam. Not spam! No! Bad spam filter!

*Practically. Sometimes I still want to be able to sort the messages in my in-box by sender, though, Google, and no matter how many times you tell me that your way is better, I will not change my mind. Nor am I the only one who thinks so, have you noticed? Since when is it a good business model to assure customers that they don't really want what they say they want?

And actually, the spam filter does an awesome job most of the time. Only rarely do I get spam in my in-box, and only very rarely does "real" mail get tucked in with the spam. The only regular exception is this silly newsletter, and Google just doesn't seem to believe me when I say that I recognize the sender, this is real, do not protect me from my mail plz. Since I don't really seem to use the offers it sends, I may unsubscribe from it just to end this petty irritation. Grr.


  1. In google mail, if you go to 'create a filter (in my view it is next to the eearch box) you can set an action which applies to emails from a particular sender - one of the options is 'never send it to spam'.

    Of course, you might have tried this already!

  2. aargh - apologies for rubbish typing - missing an apostrophe and mispelling of 'search' ... sorry

  3. I don't think I've ever checked my gmail spam filter--who knows what I'm missing?!
