Saturday, February 20, 2010

Knitting Olympic Update, around half-way

Reminder: comment on my review of Home Is Where the Wine Is, and you might win a copy of the book for yourself! Go on, you know you want to!

The knitting project is going well, as I will show you in multi-photo detail shortly. But first! Have I mentioned that my needles squeak? Creak? Drive me nuts?

If Blogger and Picasa and my lovely little camera have done what they promised, you can see this wee "video" I made last night, in case the squeak/creak/drive me nuts description is not clear enough.

Like that, only louder. So annoying! I tried to work some soap into the join, and the results were absolutely nil. I don't want to put anything on that could mess up the yarn, but it is seriously annoying.

As for the progress of the knitting, it goes well. I finished the second ball last night, and was seized with a sudden desire to test the fit of the garment in progress. Previously, I felt that trying it on and finding it didn't fit would impair my inspiration and dedication to progress, but, well, impulse of the moment and all. I threaded half the stitches onto another circular, and viola, it fits!

Well enough for me for now, anyway. Triumph!

It is this big:

And now I'm going to knit some more.

Tomorrow: cats! That's the plan, anyway.

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