Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Things I want

I want a bunch of things. Lately, it seems like "I want ..." (something I'm not going to get/do/have, at least right now) has crossed my mind a lot. Perhaps if I get them out, it will clear my head a bit.

I want cookies. And a donut. And ice cream. But, I want to lose a couple of pounds in order to fit my clothing better. (I can appreciate Health at Every Size, I try to live it, but the truth is, I can't afford a new wardrobe right now. I'd rather pay the mortgage. And my clothing fit better before a few pounds found me again. When my clothing fits well, I feel better about myself. On the other hand, when I eat cookies, I feel pretty darned happy, too. Conflict, anyone?)

I want pizza, or Chick Fil A, or Chinese food. Or I want someone else to provide delicious food to me. Anyone want to make some chicken salad for me? Tuna salad? Pasta salad? And why do all my hot-weather cold-food options fall into the "is there enough mayo in this?" category? Other than sandwiches, what do you eat in summer?

I want raspberries, cherries, fresh peas, corn on the cob. Why do they have to be, generally, more expensive than Ding Dongs?

I want to get fewer migraines. Lately, I've had more than since I settled on medication last year. Not horrible ones, for the most part, but enough to make me really appreciate the improvement I had been experiencing.

Out of Balance
When I was feeling this unsettled-ness after returning from my trip last month, I put it down to just that: returning from the trip. It was a big trip, it was a lot in a short amount of time, there was jet lag, of course I would have to wriggle back into everyday life.

But I still feel somewhat that way. My last job in North Carolina involved math (what was I thinking?), and although we weren't handling cash, we had to "balance" our drawers at the end of the day. This involved adding machines and checks and computers (shudder). If any of us was out of balance, and couldn't find the problem, we would call on our supervisor, the lovely Ann, to help. "Who's oh-oh-bee?" she would ask. To this day, I think of that when balancing my checkbook, or when like now my life is feeling a little unsettled. Am I in balance, or oh-oh-bee?

There is one behavior modification that I'm going to try, to see if it's part of the equation. Before my trip, I was in a groove about exercising in my little way, riding the bike once or twice just about every day, plus walking twice daily on work breaks. I totally have fallen off the bike, metaphorically speaking, and I wonder if, even though I don't like doing it, it was helping? In the month since I got home, I've been on the thing all of once, so back I go.

I'm letting you know so that I can stop making excuses to myself. "The blog knows I plan to bike," I will have to tell myself. "I'd better do it before someone asks how it's going."

The walking at work is weather permitting, though I can walk inside if it's too hot. So, I will.

If it helps, I will be ... what's the right word? Surprised? Impressed? Startled, perhaps. It would be the first good and direct connection between exercising and how I feel that I've ever noticed. I know that exercising is good for me, but it's always been in a "not that I'd notice" way. Has that changed? We shall see.


  1. I'm not a big fan of sandwiches to begin with, and since I'm pregnant, I'm avoiding lunch meat, even the all-natural kind I buy. The kids and I have been eating a lot of hummus with vegetables, especially lately--I couldn't cook during this mini-heatwave. I like pita pockets with hummus, cucumber slices, and lettuce, although it's not terribly filling, it's a good start. I LOVE carrots dipped in hummus. I'm also fond of leftover grilled chicken cut up and added to a salad. We're also eating a lot of fruit--grapes, watermelon, mangoes.

  2. Sounds like we're in the exact same place food and exercise wise. I've had a spate of deaths in my life and everything has gotten off balance.

    The exercise is getting back on track, but the food is much harder.

    I used to be a bank teller; I had number dyslexia, so I was oh-oh-b all the time. Yet I'm good at math; go figure?

  3. It's funny... I was recently thinking in the "I want..." space too, and caught myself doing it. I wonder if it's something in the water? :)

    Cold food is tougher now. I used to do a lot of fruits, but they're (like all things) getting expensive. Seeing as you're local, I will say that I've been very impressed with both quality *and* price at the Market Basket chain. Just this morning I bought a bunch of apples, artichokes, carrots, and bananas for cheaper than I had expected. Also (since you mentioned it), their brand of frozen pizza is surprisingly good and 3 large for $10. And, really, what makes you feel like you're back in school more than cold pizza for breakfast! :)

    Any improvement in physical activity will yield greater productivity and a more positive attitude. But, like in all things, too much too soon, could be a detriment.

    My company in Cambridge, just released a product for corporate fitness programs. It's all about walking and sharing the results of your walking progress with your friends automatically.

    I carry my wireless "super pedometer" with me all the time and have watched my step count go from roughly 3400 steps a day to an average of 8500 in only 4 months. The increase happened because my friends at work were doing more than me and I'm fairly competitive. :) I'd never have improved (even though I know it's good for me) without the social support of my friends in the program.

    If you work at a company with more than 50 people, tell your HR department about FitAWare. Maybe you can get them to start a walking program with it. Otherwise, get some friends together and choose the same brand and style of pedometer (Most inexpensive pedometers are wildly inaccurate, but if everyone's using the same one, you'll all be inaccurate together!), and compete each day.

    Social support for exercise/fitness is the key. This is the same thing that Weight Watchers does for their members. It's all about the support of your community.

  4. My doctor just got all over my case about diet and exercise. Not really for weight reasons, but to get out of the blahs. So, I too will be hitting the sidewalks!
