I scanned a picture in. The machine appeared to be "doing things", but nothing happened on-screen afterward, as I was expecting. I tried a few times, got annoyed, and decided it was too late at night to figure it out. I mentally added "learn how to use scanner" to my to-do list, and moved on.
Today I'm having another go at my kitchen table (I would blush to tell you how long that pile of who-knows-what has been on the right back corner, but no more, I tell you, no more), and ran across a couple of photos I borrowed from my aunt when I was visiting (ahem, in April). When I was there, she was showing me some old family photos and there were a couple that I wanted to make copies of. So back to the scanner to make it go this time!
Well, I did, and in the process I discovered four copies of the kitten photo that I thought hadn't scanned. It did! Just that the way I was doing it (because of course there are two ways), it wasn't going to show me, I had to go look. (Machines.) So, here are the kittens the day I brought them home, June 27, 1998.

And here they are today, 9 years eleven months and 2 weeks (or so) later:

Now, I'm getting back to that table (and the laundry). In closing, though, Pan would like you to send good thoughts his way. He doesn't feel well today.

And not just because his ears are receiving two different stations.
too cute