This is good, in that it means no critter has entered and feasted on my plants (despite a woodchuck/groundhog/critter sighting near the driveway last night as I left work), but not so good in that no progress has been made on the other half of the weed-blocking. And that is because my legs still hurt a bit, and I've been reluctant to work them more.
I worked in the garden Thursday night, and all down the backs of both legs hurt tremendously Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and well into Monday before the pain at last started to diminish. I bought a cream to put on them last night, which I think is also helping; though there is still discomfort, it is at last lessening. Still, can you blame me for not wanting to regress? It's a bumper crop of weeds I have going, but that's easier to live with than the pain.
The plants themselves are fairly healthy-looking, but not yet productive. Which is not unexpected. Soon, soon. Meanwhile, I promised photos of the pea tendrils, which are vining around madly. I feel that if I stood still by the plants for an hour, I would have something hooking into my sock. See?

When there's nothing else near enough, they grab each other. It's really quite cute.

There are also all sorts of wild things growing along the driveway, and today I picked myself a little handful to have on my desk. So pretty, and no gardening involved!

You can tell my legs are improving: yesterday, I wouldn't have wanted to bend over enough to pick them. Progress is something.
I've been watching your garden with interest. You have more ambition than I do! LOL Out of curiosity, How are you putting the plastic/blocker down? I was thinking it might be easiest to fold a strip in half lengthwise, butt the folded edge up against a row of plants, scissor a slit on the fold at each plant, and ease the plastic over. Duct tape would seal any too-long slits. Also, s bucket or box to sit on might help. Of course, I haven't tried this! My tiny garden (in a wash tub) has a felted batt for mulch; news in a day or two on my blog. BTW, Mr Kitty, currently on my toes under the desk, says "hey" to Pan.