Giving up on that, I knitted another, smaller heart and sewed them together. The family can either look at it as her heart taking care of the baby's, or as her heart getting bigger with someone new to love; both are sappy, but kind of cute, in my mind.
Want to see?

I'm moderately pleased with it. Here are the gifts together:

In garden news, I did not continue work on laying down the weed-blocker last night. My legs hurt too much for the prospect to be even remotely pleasing, so it will have to wait. Yow. It's amazing that an hour of bending and straightening and these leg muscles hurt madly, with every move I make, but it seems contradictory to me: either I use them all the time and they should have some strength, or I never use them except for things like gardening, in which case they should only hurt when I'm gardening.
Anyway, ow. I've been spending a quiet day so far, cleaning the kitchen, painting my toenails (hello, Summer!), and brushing the cats:

Not that much, either, for the result. I could really start work on that emergency back-up cat with this, and yet the cats look just the same when I'm done. Perplexing.
It's a nice day, and I have lots of windows open. Fresh air! I missed it so much during our 4-day heat wave of 95-100. It's too soon in the season to be all a/c. I love having windows open.
I like the pillow and the hearts very much! Just the right size for the big sister to carry around in her hand and remember she is still loved, even when that baby is always in Mama's lap.