For a first sweater, I'm quite pleased. And it only took nine days!
Now I just have to make the second one, and I have until the end of June, so knock wood, I'm doing okay for the schedule. I finished it Saturday at Grandma's; I haven't cast on the next one yet. I was busy! It was a nice trip. The traveling was good, the weather was great, the visitin' was swell, we played cards and ate cake and watched the daffodils bloom. Good times.
And although they are trying very hard to convince me that they are abused, neglected, maltreated, etcetera, the cats survived just fine (they haven't caught on that the petsitter has skills, and these include writing, so I do hear about little things like how it went Chez Cat Hair in my absence). And with open windows today, they have fresh-air fur tonight, which is one of my favorite things in four-legged pesty critters who make my eyes itch and try to lie on the keyboard.
And get this! I read Crazy Aunt Purl's blog every single day. (She doesn't usually post on weekends, though I often check just in case.) I miss one Monday, and what happens? She announces that she's finally written a book and it's going to be published. Wow! So very amazingly cool. Finally, her many stalkers/readers can stop telling her to write a book: done! It comes out in October, just in time for my birthday, how nice (of course, it's all about me). And I have a new favorite quote from the story: "We are all about thirty pages too much crazy." How true...
Are my eyes closing, or is it just me?
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