Thursday, August 15, 2024


Recently some of my (yarn-enabling) friends mentioned that Purl Soho was having a sale, and I capitulated to the temptation, telling myself that I have been wanting to explore more knitting with cotton now that I'm in Florida, and they have a lovely yarn called Morning that is 75% cotton and 25% yak, which softens it up beautifully. I was looking through projects using it on Ravelry, and came across a beautiful rainbow blanket someone made, and, well, you know how I am about rainbows. I bought most of the same colors.

They also threw in a little sample skein:
With regular skein, for scale:
Santolina. For cotton/rayon/hemp, it's softer than I would have expected.
So that might be fun to play around with. Someday, when I find the time. I have so many happily ongoing projects right now, I'm not feeling the need to start anything new*. Though as I plan a couple of trips, that may change!
*Subject to change without notice


  1. What fun to have lots of projects going! I don't know much about yarn but I love the color of that sample one.

    1. I like having different ones to choose to work on--though sometimes I just want to finish something!

  2. How pretty! I haven't played with yarn in a long time now. Maybe in September.

  3. I love that feeling of being in the midst of a bunch of fun projects, with more on deck! And the rainbow yarn is gorgeous.

  4. That line-up of colors is glorious!
