Sunday, August 18, 2024

Stress Reading Update (Already)

My friends! After I complained yesterday about how I can't borrow any more library books through the Hoopla app this month because I only get 10* and I borrowed them all, and I read your comments on it, I got to thinking: 
*Poor Engie only gets two a month! I feel so greedy, wanting more than 10.

  • I have a card from my local library system (Card One)
  • I have a card through the reciprocal borrowing program with another library system (Card Two)
  • In the Libby app, I can see and borrow books using both cards
  • I only have the Hoopla app through the first library
  • But does the second library use Hoopla too?


I needed to use my other email address to set up the account, but it let me, and not only that: it gives me 20 books a month. TWENTY! Forget about accomplishing anything, I'll be reading now.

Yeah, you know I borrowed a book the minute I got this set up...


  1. I cannot for the life of me imagine a library rationing books. Glad you were able to find a workaround!

  2. That's exciting that you figured out a workaround!

    1. I was so pleased with myself! I mean, better late than never, but hey.

  3. Oooh! I have two cards - I still use my Calgary one for ebooks.

    1. When I lived up north, I had cards to four systems, so cutting back to this was a hardship! Ha.

  4. You get TWENTY books a month!! TWENTY. I am over here SUPER JEALOUS.

    1. I know! I honestly feel guilty that I get so many more than you do. (And really it's 30, because I still have the first 10 from the other library.) It's really going to help my therapy/escape reading.

  5. I have three cards and I max them all out!! But I get 10 on one and 12 each on the other two for a total of 34. I don't know what I would do with just two.

    1. Two is almost insulting. Two? In a whole month? What's up with that?

  6. Why are some libraries so stingy with loans?!?! I think I can check out 50 at a time? I have never once reached the max, even though I tend to load up my kindle every time I go on vacation.

    1. I tell myself that there must be good reasons, but honestly, I'm with you, why??

  7. I'm not a huge e-book borrower from my library but TWO?! That's not even a little bit okay. I have three library cards: one with my local library system, one with Broward County that let me get a non-resident card for free, and one with Charlotte's library system (I paid $35 for a non-resident card and would happily pay a yearly fee, but they haven't asked me to pay it again and that was in 2020 or 2021, lol). It's an embarrassment of riches!

    1. No such thing as too many library cards! We are addicts who must get our books.
