Thursday, August 22, 2024

Knowing My Limits; Sunset Sky

The light in our freezer has been acting up recently, going out--sometimes coming back on, but now not for a while--so I pulled out the manual to see if I could replace it. After all, I change the water filter, how much harder can a light bulb be? Even if I can barely tell where the bulb actually is...?

Well. The first thing the book says is to unplug the fridge. Umm. Really? Not that that's difficult, of course, but it seems ominous. I've never needed to unplug a fridge.

Next, it warns that I should wear gloves, to avoid getting cut. Nope, I'm out. I am not a handy person in the slightest, and if there's that much of a chance of the bulb breaking--and presumably showering the freezer with broken glass--no, thank you. I know my limits.

Is this something you would do without thinking twice? Have you hit a similar point where you instantly knew something was more than you were comfortable dealing with?


Last night, I got off a zoom call with friends and went into the kitchen to feed the cat, because of course. There was a glow to the sky that made me look out the window, and wow.

That's through the window, and does not capture the almost orange glow of reality. So I stepped outside, and although the building obstructs the view more, the color is more true.

It was something else. The tourists got a good sunset, for sure.


  1. Oh, hmmmm. I think I would balk at DIY-ing anything involving electricity, gas, or, like, structural changes. I probably would have tried to change the freezer light, unless I couldn't reach it!

  2. That is gorgeous! I would be scared too and would probably ask my boyfriend for advice. Then he would offer to do it for me and I would gratefully accept, offering him a cold beer as a reward. ;)

    1. It would be handy to have one of those people around, but alas.

  3. I want desperately to be handy, but no - I know my limits also, although it is more and more dismaying discovering how limited those limits are. I did replace a big bulb in our first giant tv years ago and was really proud of myself, but honestly it was mostly because my husband was traveling and I couldn't conceive of lasting another week with two little kids and no functioning tv.

    1. Well, whatever the reason for it, that was an accomplishment!

  4. Gorgeous sky. Wow. Imagine how many people snapped photos of that!

    I'd have stopped the minute it asked me to unplug the fridge. That brushes right up against my Fear Tolerance/What If Catastrophe Level. Perhaps if I didn't have Rick it would be a different story, but that job would be left to him. Plus--if the manual says there's a possibility of bloodshed? Hard No.

    1. Mom and I basically shrugged at this point and said who needs a light in the freezer anyway.

  5. There's nothing like those gorgeous Florida summer skies at sunset!

    I am not handy and I, too, would have immediately put down the manual if it told me to unplug the fridge. Thankfully, since I'm a renter, I can just call maintenance for things like that!

    1. Oh, I miss the days of calling the landlord! We do have a property manager for the building, but inside, it's up to us.

  6. There's a light in your freezer? Is that normal? Do we have some cheap ass freezer? (Undoubtedly the answer is yes.)

    I am in a heterosexual marriage so I don't have to change light bulbs, empty the dehumidifier, take out the trash, or know how to pop the hood of our cars. I would have stopped at "take out the manual" and just told my husband the light was out. Gender roles for the win (but only when they benefit me)!

    1. Maybe it's because it's a side-by-side? I don't know, but yes, we have a light in the freezer.
