Saturday, August 17, 2024

Stress Reading

While I have definitely done plenty of stress eating through worrying times, lately I've been adding another coping mechanism: stress reading. I have read A TON this summer, to the point where, this week, I learned that the Hoopla library program/app/thing has a monthly limit. Because I hit it. For the first time ever. Halfway through the month.

Mind you, I do prefer to borrow ebooks through Libby, so I tend to go to that first, and that program also has limits, but it's by number of books borrowed, so if I hit 10 and want to borrow another, I can just return one to open a spot. But Hoopla is different. Apparently.

I mean. I'm in the middle of a series! but I'll just have to read other things for the next two weeks. Apparently.


  1. I don't know what hoopla is, but damn, that is bullshit! lol

    1. Right? Somehow that seems so much weirder than saying you can only have 10 out at a time.

  2. Our Hoopla has a limit of two a month. TWO. I use it almost exclusively for audiobooks since it isn't compatible with Kindle.

    1. TWO?! That's barely anything at all, wow. I guess I should be counting my blessings then.

  3. A limit on reading! WTH? I've never used Hoopla, only Libby. (through the library, right?)

    1. Yes, the library offers e-books through both, for some reason that escapes me.

    2. In our system, Hoopla has ZERO wait times, but Libby has more books to offer, but longggggg wait times. We get two Hoopla borrows a month. I don't know what the max number of Libby checkouts is a month (I've never reached that number), but we have a max of ten Libby holds.

      So the reason to have both Hoopla and Libby is that they offer slightly different services.

    3. Well, that makes sense! Kind of, anyway. I'll need to look at the ones I have on hold through Libby and see if Hoopla carries them.

  4. I've never heard of Hoopla!!

    1. The library started using it, I don't know, a year or two ago? I don't really understand the mechanics, but there are titles that you can get through Libby and not through Hoopla, and vice versa.

  5. What kind of library or reading app LIMITS READING? This is why I buy books and eschew libraries. I want books when I want them and want to keep them forever if I want.

    1. I know! Libraries shouldn't have limits. I actually have bought a ton of mostly e-books this summer, but I love using the library, too. When it lets me!
