Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Trip Anticipation, Part One; and Movie Scenes That Stick With You

I've written many times about how much I enjoy planning and anticipating and thinking about upcoming trips, treats, and the like. Since my New England trip in the spring, I haven't had any firm plans for next trips, but now there are a couple of things in the works, yay.

First up, I knew that I wanted to visit my aunt near Syracuse for Apple Festival in October, if everyone's health allowed it, but I finally made my plane reservations last week*. Which meant I had to do so much sorting through flight times that didn't work for me!
*With trip insurance, of course, just in case

My mother has long said that the reason the flights in and out of Syracuse are few, not direct, and poorly timed is because the airlines know that no one is going there unless they have to (she was glad to move away from the area after growing up there, as you can surmise). My feeling is that they are very much scheduling for business travelers, which is why there are so many early-morning and evening flights. 

  • No, I don't want to leave at 7 AM.
  • No, I don't want to arrive after midnight.
  • No, I don't want a seven-hour layover.
  • No, a 43-minute layover is not a good idea!
  • In any event, I was able to find flights that work better for me, so now I can start the fun of planning! I'll need to rent a car, which I haven't done in a while, so hit me up with any advice or recent experience you have on that.


    Have you ever found you remember a scene in a movie much more strongly than you remember the movie overall?

    I was looking at a list of movies yesterday and it included No Reservations (do I need to say "spoilers" before I talk about a movie from 17 years ago?). I remember seeing it, but have only vague memories of it. However, I immediately remembered that one scene, the one where Catherine Zeta-Jones as the chef has her take-this-job-and-shove-it moment, and I found it on YouTube:

    I watched it several times, and I can't pin down why I found it just SO satisfying, but yeah. I love it. While not feeling the need to watch the whole movie again.

    BTW, I don't exactly need the Portuguese subtitles, but although there is a clip of this scene on the IMDB page, it cuts off before the (very satisfying) end of the scene, and also it changes "the asshole on 7" to "the guy on 7," which really mutes the impact, I think. I suppose there's a PG-13 version? Don't know why.


    1. I have a couple TV shows where I like to re-watch scenes from various episodes. One is Ted Lasso. There are some very funny and satisfying scenes in that series. I haven't rented a car for quite a while but I hear they're expensive these days.

      1. Not at all to disagree with you, but it seems like everything is expensive these days! Corporate greed is behind a lot of it.

    2. I love an overnight flight. There's a JetBlue direct flight from Phoenix to Boston, and it's fantastic. A couple of times recently when we've traveled, there's been issues with not having cars available. We went to Denver, and there were no cars. We went to New Mexico, and only compact cars were available. It's not fun.

      1. The only overnight flights I've been on are California to the east coast, and not only do I have an awful time staying asleep, but they're actually not long enough for a good night's sleep for me, even if I could sleep! But five hours of jolting awake over and over is miserable. My brother can sleep on planes, I don't know how he does it.
        Even with reserving a car, I know I will worry about it until I actually am at the car. No guarantees!

    3. Oooh I am excited to hear about your trip! It was a bit of a shock for me coming to Kelowna from Calgary, in terms of the airport. The Kelowna airport is TINY and a lot of places I want to get to, there are no direct flights. I am finding I have to fly to Calgary for connections. Ah, well.

      1. I lived in Charlotte NC for about 8 years, and it was a hub for USAir, so I got very spoiled by direct flights! Those were the days.

    4. Not that they show you any when you're signing up for trip insurance, but the fine print needs to be read.

      If you don't mind my sharing my experience: we booked a flight to go see my widower father-in-law a few years ago, and I bought trip insurance because he wasn't in great health and you never know.

      My husband called his dad for Christmas and I watched his face as he suddenly exclaimed, Dad? DAD?!!! He called his brother on a different phone, the ambulance was called, and Dad never regained consciousness and slipped peacefully away a few days later.

      And we had this trip scheduled to go see him. Well, that wasn't happening.

      The travel insurance guy said, and I quote, Death is not an emergency. No we won't cover it.
