Wednesday, June 26, 2013

What do you mean...?

It's only Wednesday?

As expected, my mood today is not as bad as yesterday. But am I tired, whoa, I tell you. I went to bed early last night, and I'm going to do it again tonight, and probably tomorrow night. A good weekend's sleep and I should be in better shape by next week.

And there's a bonus day off next week: I can't believe it, but next Thursday is 4th of July already (aka Independence Day, and a national holiday, if you aren't aware). Day off! Sleep late, and feel patriotic, and day off! Woo-hoo.

There are about 20 people working in my office, and about half work from home on your average Friday. Want to make a guess how many will be there next Friday? Not many, I'm guessing. Not many.

By the way, a hockey note: Bergeron, my Bergeron? If I may be forgiven for calling a grown man I've never met this, my poor baby? Is in the hospital, where he apparently went for "observation" after the game Monday night.

With what, you ask? As the guys at the Backhand Shelf said in the podcast, a broken body. It seems that going into game 6, he had a broken rib and torn cartilage; coming out of game 6 he added a separated shoulder; and somehow after that, he has a hole in his lung.

A hole. In his lung. Holy moly.

I've never claimed to be anything like stoic, or whatever word you want to use to describe such feats, but I have to say, even I feel a little bad that I complained about my bruised elbow yesterday.

Ahem. Doesn't mean I won't continue to gripe about minor things! I mean, my arthritis is really bothering me, and my hands are so sore ... that I should probably stop typing now ... hmmm.

All right, then. Good night!

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