Monday, December 03, 2012

An Ow but not Super-uber-ultra-OW Day

Happily, thankfully, whatever-fully, when I woke up this morning, my head was better. Not perfect, with that frail after a bad one feeling*, but not painful, and after the preceding, oh, 40 hours or so, that was enough to make me happy, even on a Monday morning. There were twinges during the day (of course), and even enough that I decided to have a quiet evening at home instead of going to stitch and bitch, but overall, there's nothing like having just had a terrible headache to make you grateful for just a minorly annoying one.
*Sore brain, skull, muscles, scalp, eye're jealous, aren't you, of my exciting life?

This bout does seem to confirm that acupuncture has not helped my headaches, as I already suspected. After last week's session, I did not make another appointment: Christmas is too busy, I told her, and it's true, my time is at an even higher premium this month than others, but of course, if it was helping, I'd find the time. I'm still on the herbs she suggested, and will give that through the end of the year, but after that, I guess it's time to try something new. Chiropractor, maybe? I don't have that many ideas.

One nice thing did happen tonight, though it didn't start that way. In today's mail I received communications from my health insurance about the blood test I had recently, in relation to the idea of a pre-existing condition. (What would the pre-existing condition for a blood test be, I wonder? Having blood? Because yes, I had blood before I was on this insurance, I admit it.)  The letter was not fully comprehensible to me (and not just because of the part that said [I will spare you the all-caps style] "We apperciate your help with this matter"), so I called, and the (very, very nice) woman I spoke with told me that I needed to send them a "letter of credible coverage" from my previous insurer, which would show the effective dates for my previous coverage and prove that there wasn't a gap (which there wasn't, of course, I paid enough for that between jobs). As I wrote it all down, I mentioned how much I hate being an adult, and she agreed.

After I hung up, I was a little upset at the idea of having another Thing To Do, particularly since getting something from an insurance company seemed unlikely to be easy, and having just lost three-quarters of my weekend, I was already behind on Things To Do, plus my head still hurts and why, whyyyyyyyy meeeeeeee...! I pulled out of the doom spiral by petting the kitty, then sucked it up and went to look for the contact info for my previous insurance. My filing at home tends to be very messy, with a folder at the front of the drawer with things I didn't bother to put where they belong, or I don't know where they belong, or oh just stuff it in there papers. I pulled that out and started looking through it, and guess what?

The very first paper I found related to my previous health insurance was a Certificate of Credible Coverage. Exactly what I needed. Wow. I made a copy, stuck it in an envelope, and it's ready to mail. Whew! I needed that.

And now I need to have my quiet evening. I'll leave you with this list of a few things that have struck me lately.

Is It Just Me?
  • I know it's 2012 already, and near the end of it to boot, but does anyone else read "turn of the century" and think of 19th to 20th instead of 20th to 21st?
  • I passed a funeral home and saw it had put garland and ribbon on its sign. Usually I'm a fan of decorating for the holidays, but a funeral home? No.
  • I was looking on a health-forum website and saw one person who said that he "sweats like a lizard". How do you think a lizard sweats? 
  • Am I the only knitter who finds this a little insulting? when someone asks me if I knit something I'm wearing, and when I say yes, all they say is, "Oh." You don't have to go into raptures, but why did you ask? Could you make it sound like you asked because you liked it? You think it's pretty, or might have been hard to make, or something positive? Otherwise, the exchange falls flat, and I'm left feeling that you asked because you couldn't imagine why else I would be wearing such a thing.
  • My office is having a holiday party, which is nice and all, but it's being held at a restaurant, and the time is 1:30 to 4:30. Wouldn't you normally pick a meal time to have a party in a restaurant, rather then in-between meals?
What about you: do you have any "is it just me" moments in mind?

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about the pain. That sucks.

    I know what you mean about the midday holiday thing. When I had a corporate job, and the company was taken over by another larger one, they made us go from a semiformal holiday dinner at a catering place to a LUNCHEON at a nearby steakhouse. (Because even though they fired half our staff they were still twice as cheap.) It was so horrible to go to work, leave in the middle of the day to have a (brief) party. . . and then go right back to work.

    Who feels like working after a nice celebratory lunch?
