Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Wednesday, Huh? Well.

I've been slightly headachy yesterday and today--nothing bad, I hasten to add, knocking on wood loudly enough to freak out the cats. But I wonder if it's a weather system or something? (It IS supposed to rain tomorrow; does that automatically mean a pressure change is coming?) Because I'm not at a trouble point for hormones, and my stress level has been fairly consistent (if on the high side) recently. I mean, I have a lot to do, but I feel good about what I am getting done, you know? My weird dreams are about finding a coffee flavor I like*, not forgetting to get someone a present.

*When they got a new coffee system at work, they seem to have decided that no one wanted that light stuff any more, and stock only medium and dark roast options. As a self-declared coffee wuss, I find even the medium stuff to be too much. I honestly dreamed the other night that I found a light hazelnut "pod" and I was so happy! Pathetic.

I don't like work days to be too slow and I don't like them to be too busy. Monday there wasn't much going on, and though I checked the workflow area regularly, I spent more than half the day rereading old notes as a refresher. Today on the other hand was 18 million projects hurry this goes out today hurry this goes out at noon hurry this was supposed to go yesterday, hurry hurry hurry. When I came back from lunch there were nine projects to choose from. It was like that all day long, and honestly, where is the balance?

I don't expect my job to be a source of great daily joy, but I would like it not to sap my energy and will to go on.

Speaking of which, I know that jealousy is not an attractive thing, but today at work when two of my coworkers were discussing how much time they still had to take off before the end of the year, even after they counted that one of them is taking next week off and the other is taking the following week off, well. I was green.

Also? They don't get migraines, do they? No, I think not.

(Seriously, though, stop talking about how you're going to HAVE TO take two weeks off, like it's some kind of actual problem. That's just mean.)

I was confused at work recently to read about DPN, since to me that doesn't mean diabetic peripheral neuropathy, it means double-pointed needles. Knitters, right? Well, I had another you-must-be-a-knitter moment today in a meeting, when I was studying the sweater on the woman next to me, and thinking of making a scarf inspired by the pattern.

That is, when yarn purchasing is in the budget again. I have plenty to knit with now. Just, you know, notes for the future.

Now, I have things to do (ha! understatement!) and a Bruins game to watch, so I'll leave you with hockey in the great outdoors.

An NHL rink would feel like a phone booth to these guys. Isn't that gorgeous?

1 comment:

  1. Oh my lord. I do the same thing when I see a sweater I really like! I'm trying to figure out what it would take to make the sweater (and people are probably wondering why in the world I'm staring at them so intently)
