Thursday, October 22, 2009

Yes, tendinitis, of a sort

So apparently what I have is "de Quervain's tenosynovitis"; you can read about it via the Mayo Clinic (picked at random for being reputable) here.

As I have already tried the ibuprofen and splint route, the doctor is moving me on to the next step, which is going to an orthopedist for a steroid shot, which he said helps in "most" cases.

Unfortunately for me, he raised my expectations by saying that the ortho would probably be able to see me within a week. When I called for an appointment, the first one they had was in two and a half weeks. Which isn't really that long (although, ouch), but I've said it before, the key to happiness is lowered expectations.

I'm off to watch the rest of the Bruins game, with a new book from the library, and then go to sleep in the glowing knowledge of sleeping in, and enjoying day one of a three-day weekend. I plan to post more about Rhinebeck tomorrow, but until I do, have a good one!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your injury! And sorry that you'll have to wait so long for relief. Do you think they'll have you stop knitting, even though it doesn't cause pain?
