Why yes, today DID suck; how did you know?
I did figure out the invisible component to my upset levels over yesterday's annoyance*: PMS. Three little letters that explain a lot. This morning before work, when I was checking my e-mail and tried to strangle the mouse that wasn't working right, and I mean literally strangle it**, I realized what was behind it. It seems that in some months, the time is just an annoyance, while in others it turns me into a raging torrent of hormones ready to sob over the loss of a ballpoint pen. Ahem. Just for example.
*As well as today's annoyances.
**No, computer mice don't really have good necks for strangling. But they are small enough to get your hands around anyway. Theoretically.
The damn mouse is driving me crazy, though. I had a similar problem ages ago, where the pointer moves in fits and starts instead of smoothly, and I have to click things half a dozen times before it works. That time, the wireless mouse was getting interference from the screen saver. This time, I don't know what's interfering, but it's got me ready to pitch the stupid mouse out the window--even if the window is closed. Only the knowledge that I would have to get the window replaced is stopping me, as the momentary satisfaction would be greatly diminished by the subsequent aggravation. (It's the same reason I don't drive into really annoying cars on the road.) But this interference is freaking stupid, and driving me nuts. Tonight, I am trying it with the receiver-bit plugged into the USB on the side nearer where I use the mouse. This shouldn't matter, but for the moment at least, it seems to be helping. Computers!
On to other things! Such as, have you seen the rings the Penguins got for winning the Cup last season? Holy... wow.

165 diamonds. Unreal.
Looking at the slide show with the story makes me wonder if they measured Sidney Crosby's hand before designing the ring. It looks like he can just barely bend his finger past the ring.
And in even more random hockey news, check out this kid's jersey:

It looks like something that would be on Jersey Fouls, a regular feature on the hockey blog Puck Daddy, but no*, it's actually an abbreviation, which is hardly less weird. Turns out the kid's last name is Louis-Seize, which means Louis the 16th, so they ... hyphenated and Roman-numeral-ed it? Ohhh-kay.
*though Puck Daddy is where I read about it
The Bruins open their season tomorrow. Unlike most years, when they have perhaps one home game before hitting the road on the circus road trip, this year they're home for the first five games. The coach sounds like he prefers it the other way, but I like having the first few games at 7 or 7:30 instead of 9 or 10. Call me selfish, but after that long, hockey-deprived off-season, I want to watch it!
Of course, if they don't do well, I won't be quite as happy, will I?
Since learning that I get the NHL channel after all, I have been watching some hockey in the last few weeks. Some of it was pre-season, and some was what they call Classic NHL. They seem to have a broad definition of Classic, to my mind. When I first watched, it was a 1965 bout between Chicago and Detroit. Gordie Howe! Bobby Hull! No ads on the boards or in the ice, no helmets, no names on the jerseys! It was great fun. Another night, it was a 1971 Bruins-Rangers match-up, equally entertaining. Some nights, though, I have turned it on to see a 2008 or 2009 playoff game, and though that can be worth watching, I just don't put it in the same category as the old stuff. At least call it Modern Classics!
Ah, well, if I ruled the world, right? Today was a bad day, but I feel better tonight than I did last night.
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