Saturday, September 19, 2009

Here I Am Again

I try to post most days, not for anyone's sake particularly, just because it works for me. For the same reason, I almost always post in the evenings. And for the last two days, I didn't even turn the computer on in the evening. So hi, I'm back!

I had a bad day at work yesterday. It was a combination of three things:
  1. Something that someone else needed from me, where his "when can I have it by" turned into his boss's "get it done by the end of today" (where his boss is my boss's boss's boss).
  2. My boss having kittens over my getting trained to cover for someone else when she goes on vacation in October.
  3. Headache. Which started Thursday, resulting in me going to bed when I got home, around 7. The head wasn't unbearable on Friday, but it made work harder and work made it worse.
So Friday was bad, and Friday evening with the headache wasn't great either, though having a cat on my lap was very pleasant. Today has been better, with virtually no headache, and a decent mix of getting things done and relaxing. But I started to think about item #2 again just now, and it's really got me rattled. I usually try to avoid writing about work, but perhaps I can manage it in an oblique fashion.

Basically, either this process is a lot harder than I think it is (it's not simple, but not the equivalent of, say, learning written and spoken Japanese in two weeks in order to fluently negotiate world peace), or she thinks I'm an idiot.

I've done the sit and practice with the person who's going on vacation; I've done the meeting with the guru who knows the system inside and out to learn from her. (They both think I'll be fine, by the way, and the guru will be here for any questions during that vacation.)

And now, apparently, I am to spend three mornings next week, and every other week thereafter into infinity, practicing. Because, you know, it's that hard. Or I'm that stupid.

I really don't think she thinks I'm an idiot, actually, so why is she micromanaging this? It has me questioning myself: is this really so much harder than it seems? Am I misjudging it? Have I done something, or left something undone, that has her questioning my capability to do this?

It's very frustrating.


  1. Perhaps she sees your ability to do this as a reflection of her own intelligence in hiring you and (probably) bragging about how well you've done up to this point. Or she's afraid of loosing you to a different position after you show how well you can do.

    I'm glad the headache's better. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

    I haven't posted in weeks -- depression and the tedium of my days don't lead to a whole lot of things worthwhile of writing.

  2. Leslie pretty said what I was thinking, so. . . I'm just gonna add that I hope Harold's continuing to feel better!

    I too have to do a "here I am" post."

  3. Uh, that should be "pretty MUCH said." I'm sure Leslie is pretty, though.
