Thursday, September 10, 2009

I missed 9/9/09!

Well, of course I didn't miss the actual day, but I missed blogging on it, which seems like a shame. But I was babysitting my friend's twins last night (so cute), and by the time I got home, I was just too tired.

By the way, I also missed wishing an on-the-day happy birthday to my brother, who is so very cool. Hope you had a good day! The box should have arrived today! Only a leetle late.

I've been draggy all day. I even bypassed the light, flavored coffee I usually use to make my hot chocolate in the morning at work, and went for the deep, dark one. I had to put in three little creamers and a sugar to bring it to my level ... but it woke me up! Short term. I had another in the afternoon. And here I am, eyes drooping again. Blog, dinner, bed.

Cat Story
Yesterday morning when the alarm went off, I found Harold sleeping down by my feet, so I reached down to pet him. Miri jumped on the bed to see what was up, and I petted her for a minute before dozing off again (the snooze button and I are likethis). When the alarm went off again, I leaned over and kissed Miri's fur, which earned me a puzzled look from her, but no fleeing. Harold, however, wasn't having any of that, and he came and stood between her and me. The message was clear: no, not her, all your affection is for me. Silly boy.

Scary Story
The close call I had on the way to work yesterday really upset me. I was pissed when the car cut me off--no, just because I'm letting one car merge in does not mean I was letting two go--but that moving-and-then-dead-stop right in front of me was, well, questionable. Because when I STOOD on the brake, I stopped, at most, one inch from his/her bumper. Pure luck that there was no collision. I wasn't sure whether I wanted to cry or throw up. Lovely Boston drivers!

Despite the sleepy, today was better than that. I called Canon and ordered my new-to-me camera, which will arrive Tuesday (I could have had it Monday for another $10, but hey, what's one more day). I made a doctor's appointment, for the soreness in my right thumb and wrist, and made appointments to meet a couple of new petsitters, since mine is taking this fall off (she had a baby). And, I got a two-and-a-half-year-old monkey off my back.

In May of 2007, I got a new computer. Remember? And while I didn't exactly want to keep the old one hanging around*, I hadn't backed up my files**, particularly the photos, and I couldn't find a way to move them that worked between Windows 95 and Vista. I tried a couple of things, periodically, and mostly just was irritated at it (which, stunningly, failed to accomplish anything).

*No one who knows me is surprised that it's been sitting that long, though.
**Bad girl! Be smarter than that!

Recently, though, I learned that one of the IT guys at work will handle such things for a reasonable fee. Today I handed him the tower, what I like to call the computer part of the computer (you know, not the monitor, keyboard, speakers, printer ... the computer), and shortly thereafter he handed me a thumb drive. Like this:

Yeah, 2GB. And it wasn't full. But all my pictures! And documents, too, but it's the pictures I'm most excited about. Pictures of my dad, of Pan, of the condo before I moved in and after, of the trip to Hawaii in 2006 (I have all those on CD, too ... somewhere ... ahem). Pictures!

Mahalo, IT dude!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, IT Guy! Flash drives are wonderful! I have two in a tin in the wood shed; they come in on alternate Friday nights and the banking, photos and knitting patterns are backed up on alternate Saturday mornings. Leslie's my name, Disaster Recovery is my game (sorry, can't help myself.)

    Loved the cat story and can sympathize with the driving one. I don't know what I'll do when I finally find another job - Route 2 in the morning is no fun at all...
