Of course, I was wearing my winter coat, so that mitigated the pretty a little, but still.
If you've read here for any length of time, you know I don't write about politics much, if at all. That's because I don't follow it much; I don't have the stomach for it. (I really liked The West Wing, but in the real world? Not so much.) Tonight, though, I was listening to NPR on the way home, and heard something that struck me as odd. They were talking about how President Bush had called Pakistan's President Musharraf today, and then they played the sound bite, where Bush says that he told Musharraf two things, to hold elections soon, and to "take off the uniform".
It sounds a little ... funny, doesn't it? The commentator went on to say "give up the uniform", which sounds a lot better to me. Bhutto wants him to give up leading the military, as I understand it. Okay, fine. But "take off" the uniform?
"Take it off, take it all off" is what's running through my mind, I'm afraid. It's an unfortunate commentary on how my mind works, but it is what it is.
The other thing I remember from the news is that in a story about a soldier on trial, he's charged with not just disobeying orders, but "disobeying and disrespecting orders". Isn't that something? I can imagine someone who obeys orders being charged with simultaneously disrespecting them. I hope that's not possible, but in today's world, who knows?
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