Exhausted, in case that doesn't go without saying.
Unpacked? Ha. That will take time. But even in the functional but still boxy way it is now, I like this new place. I feel like I've been there for a while. It's comfortable. Exhaustion to the contrary notwithstanding, I think this was a good move.
The nice thing about the unpacking part of moving is that there are no external deadlines. My mother said it would be nice if I was done by my birthday (next October), but I think it will be done before then!
Anyway, the idea that I can sit down and read a book again if I want to is a charming one. Even normal chores like laundry will have, briefly, an unusual charm to them. And once my back gets over this shock, and I'm off the ibuprofin diet, I'll have more stamina for unpacking.
Because deciding where to put things is kind of fun! Or it can be, anyway. Or am I a dork? Well, you say tomato. I had the movers place the big items where I'm pretty sure they'll work well, but the small stuff, it's all me.
And that first word in my blog title? Knit? I actually did a little of that this week, at lunch-time at work. [There was no rational reason I couldn't have been doing so throughout the entire move, but I stopped when I reached that crucial too-stressed-to-destress point. You don't want to ruin what you're knitting (especially if it might be a Christmas present) by being so stressed your gauge goes kerblooey.] It felt good, in a cautious way. I even want to pick up that plain-vanilla crocheting I started in a fit of oh-my-sockiness. Of course, it's still packed. But I know roughly where it is.
And how are the cats taking it, you ask? Overall, pretty well, though I wouldn't say they're enjoying the experience. Here's Pan before the move:

He is in the Closet Where the Fishing Pole Toy Used to Live, aha open door at last, and is giving me the evil eye because where is it?
And after the move, the boys take comfort from each other in a sea of boxes:

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