Monday, November 13, 2006

packing and more packing and is there anything but packing?

I actually, objectively, did get a lot of packing done over the weekend, but I'm in the stage where all I am aware of is how much I have yet to do. Every thought that crosses my mind starts with one of these:

"I have to..."
"I should..."
"I need to..."
"Don't forget about..."

It's amazing I'm still sleeping at night.

I packed the OED up, which is always perversely fun. I have to dip into most volumes to remind myself what the first or last word covered therein means, and "Volume I, A to Bouzouki" always makes me think of the Cheese Shop sketch from Monty Python, and John Cleese shouting, "Shut that bloody bouzouki off!"

Plus, I kept the boxes it originally came in, for just this purpose, and it all fits so neatly, each volume in its own box, 4 of the volume-boxes into a larger box, all labeled. (Who, me obsessive? Nah.) I lost one box to mildew in the basement, but fortunately the inner volume-boxes were fine, and I found a box in my collection that fits 4 volumes quite well. We adapt.

Last night, as I started to get frustrated, I gave in and packed some books. They're so good for packing, aren't they? Nice squares (okay, most of them are rectangles), same shapes and sizes. So much easier than other things. It made me feel like I got something accomplished, which is a feeling devoutly to be wished. And the cats were very good about encouraging me to take regular breaks, which is also important. I turned around at one point and Pan was sitting on the coffee table where I had been putting the boxes to fill. Who needs to speak English? I could tell he was suggesting that I take a break with a cat on my lap.

Speaking of cats, Laurie has a great cat photo in today's post, and in looking at it, a co-worker and I started talking about what would be on a cat's to-do list. Fun idea for another time... so far, I have this:

1. Do nothing.
2. Rest.
3. Run from one room to another at top speed, then stop and casually lick paw (or, for maximum effectiveness, butt).
4. Contemplate paw.
5. Rest.
6. Jump on That Other Cat as he walks by.
7. Rest.

Not so original, but fun!

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