Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The acne of moving

I don't suppose many people brag about how well they handle stress, but it surely isn't one of my best skills. (I try, Lord knows I try...) I spent most of yesterday morning feeling like I was forgetting something. (If I was, it eludes me still.) With all my notes and lists and calendars, it's getting harder just to keep track of all my memory-aids. I'm grateful not to have had more headaches recently, since stress is a trigger for those, but one thing I am seeing a lot of is acne.

Can we talk? Everyone who thought as a teenager that at least when you grew up, your skin would clear, raise your hand.

I thought so. Why did we all think this? Did we not notice adults with breakouts?

Okay, so we weren't really looking that closely at anyone but ourselves. Still, I am continually surprised by this. I'm 38! I keep my skin clean! I eat fairly well! (Anyway, isn't it a myth that chocolate causes breakouts?) Why do I look like the early stages of chicken pox? Not to be too graphic, but I have a zit right now that I could feel against my pillow when I turned my head this morning. I mean, ewww. Sorry, that's probably TMI (too much information). I'll stop there.

I ran a bunch of errands after work, one of them being the bookstore, and had to make myself leave. Some days I can go in and not find one thing I want to buy, but tonight I think I could have spent $500 without trying. Although, to give myself a little credit, not all of what I did buy tonight was for me (for once). Merry Xmas! Although it doesn't feel it. We may not have been having LA weather, but it was near 60 today ... and raining. And I foolishly or out of habit wore my winter coat today, which I didn't really need outside, and really didn't need in stores. The last few stores I just didn't bother with it, so I'm damp.

Is that TMI?

Anyway, time for some advanced kitty maintenance. Gotta go, bye!

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