Groceries? Check.
Laundry? Check.
Run dishwasher and disposal? Cooked, real meals? Check-check-check.
And, books unpacked? Check. Oh, not all of them, not by a long shot, but the fiction-etceteras fill the two big bookcases in the living room and gladden my heart, and the OED fills one of the small folding bookcases and makes me smile. I can't believe how comfortable I am here, after only a week. Oh, I still have tons to do, but it's not overwhelming, and I'm establishing places for things, and routines, and smiling.
Though I haven't felt all that well yesterday and today, which is tiresome. The Head, With Stomach. Not critical, not level 10, but annoying. (I've started to play with definitions of each level on my personal headache pain scale, which I'll share when they're done. Saying my head is at level 6 on a scale of 0-10 isn't as clear, as evocative, as saying I've reached the point of unconscious groaning, don't you think?) I called in to work yesterday morning, went in for a few hours in the afternoon when it waned, then was wiped out last night, and awoke today at 3:42 (a.m.!) with it back again. Which wouldn't be so bad, except I Could Not fall asleep again. Though I tried, and tried. Eventually I gave up, and got up, and though I'm past the teenage years of sleeping until noon, I don't choose to get up that early unless I have a plane to catch. Sheesh. By 10 a.m., I felt like it should be mid-afternoon. So it's been an odd few days, and the feeling of relief I had at one point this afternoon when I realized it is the weekend is hard to describe. Two days to get things done, or get nothing done ... glorious.
At some point, probably not this weekend, I need--no, I want to go clothes shopping. I want some warm slacks/pants/trousers that I can wear to work, since the Marketing Department of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation is usually a wee bit chilly (read long unders and three shirts, with occasional shawl and gloves). Doesn't have to be very corporate, since chinos are fine (jeans on Fridays). Would prefer machine-wash, but can be dry clean if that's all there is. Warm. My brief foray last month was not successful, but now that I can devote some time to it, we'll see.
And I need jeans. At least, I'll be trying on all I have to confirm that none of them please me, but I have my suspicions. During the Move Event, I grabbed a pair that turned out to be give-to-Goodwill baggy, and when I put on another pair, a good friend informed that they really were pretty baggy, too. I certainly haven't lost weight in the last few months (probably gained back a pound or three), but I do believe her (she was coming up the stairs behind me). Not that I want skintight either ... it's so difficult to find them Just Right, isn't it?
The boys seem to be settling in, by the way:

I love the way their paws are all intertwined. Sweet kitty love.
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