Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Watching but Not Worrying; Unrelatedly, Hockey and Vaccine (separately)

As you may have heard, Tropical Storm Helene has formed and is headed toward Florida. The good news for me is that Florida is very large, and so far, the path is not aiming directly at where I am. Not that I wish a hurricane on anyone, but it has to go somewhere, and since two years ago it changed direction and Ian came here, I am (provisionally, not counting any chickens) relieved that it isn't us this time. I can deal with heavy wind and rain and flooding, if it doesn't mean power going and staying out, making hotel reservations, and packing up Mom, Maggie, and everything we need for an open-ended trip to the east coast.

Please let this all remain true.

Worst-case scenario, we'll have to bug out, and if we have to, we will. Best-case scenario, Helene will pull the humidity with her as she goes by, and we'll get at least a short break from the feels-like 100+ temps we've been having. Because much as I like hot weather, I am well ready for a break.


Completely unrelated, but as hockey season comes around again, finally, I have to say that one thing is making me sad. Well, two things.

  1. The Bruins have not signed presumptive number one goalie Jeremy Swayman to a new contract, so he is not at training camp and can't join the team until he's signed. This actually makes me more angry than sad, but sad is part of it. I could go on and on, but I will spare you the rant. Just pay the man!
  2. I am more and more happy with the social media experience on BlueSky (finding new-to-me authors! slowly finding more knitters! lots of cute cat photos!), but so far, few hockey people are there. However, as part of the recent influx of Brazilians who joined BlueSky when Twitter was taken down in Brazil, I was surprised to learn that there are Brazilian Bruins fans. I mean, why not, I guess. But what it means is that the account on BlueSky that seems to most closely follow the Bruins...is in Portuguese.

Come on, English-speaking Bruins fans and media people, step it up now! I'm happy to see black and gold on my feed, but it would be nice if I could read it. That one semester of Portuguese in college isn't helping me out much.

Also also, I got the latest covid shot over the weekend, and if you can, I would encourage you to get it. I made sure to do it on a weekend when I didn't have other plans, so I could rest if need be, or be lazy with a good excuse, depending, and had very few side effects. A little injection-site soreness, not bad enough to keep me from sleeping on that side, and as I have had with every covid shot, some swelling of the lymph nodes under that arm, making it tender but not actually painful. I believe in the vaccines, and in their power to make it less likely that I catch covid, and less serious if I do, and I hope you feel the same.


  1. Hope the hurricane isn't too bad. I've never lived in a place with them, so I would be helpless about what to do. That said, I do have an extensive earthquake box for The Big One or in case Mt Rainier blows. (if I survive) I've gotten the latest covid and flu and am hoping for an uneventful fall/winter.

    1. You have your emergency weather event plans and I have mine!

  2. I'm hoping hard that all you get is a nice little rainstorm with no drama-queen antics on its part.

    Covid+flu over the weekend here, too, with gratitude to all those who work on those.

  3. Oh boy, I hope the hurricane misses you. Take care!

  4. I am ALL ABOUT getting my covid and flu vaccines in the next two weeks, as advised by my medical professional. And I'll be taking my 94-year old mother for same.

    Fingers crossed for all my friends in FLA.

    Brush up on that Portuguese so you can welcome your new Brazilian buddies!

    1. The Brazilian Bruins coverage is better than nothing, but yeah, time to study!

  5. Good luck with the hurricane. I hope it stays far away from populated areas!

    I will get my cold and flu shot, but probably in a couple of weeks. I want it to be most effective for the holidays and I worry about getting them too early. Is that even a thing? I don't know. We usually get our flu shot around Halloween. I'm leaning towards getting the shots on 10/25 because I don't have much planned that weekend...

    1. I have definitely heard getting the flu shot later is a good idea, because it extends the time you're covered longer into flu season. For covid, I think they're still figuring out the best timing. But really, any time you get them has to be better than not getting them, right? For me, since I'm traveling in October, I wanted to get mine ahead of the trip. Come on, immune system!

  6. I hope the hurricane is a humidity zapper and nothing more!

    Yes! Covid shot is scheduled. I am prepared to be knocked out for the next day -- it usually hits me hard. But maybe this time it will be better?

    1. I don't 100% remember how I felt after last year's, my life was so tumultuous at the time. But this one has definitely been mild in terms of aftereffects for me. Though it was a good excuse to sit around reading the rest of the weekend!

  7. I need to get my next Covid vaccine, and my flu vaccine as well. My husband had them at the same time last year and felt HORRIBLE, so I likely won't risk that (though plenty of people have done it with no issues).
