Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The Power of Procrastination

It certainly doesn't always work out this way, but sometimes putting off a decision ends up working out.

As I planned for my trip to Syracuse next month, I looked into renting a car, and was surprised at how many airport fees were stacked on top of the base cost. Probably the same thing was true when I last rented a car five years ago, when my grandmother died, and honestly I was not worrying about the cost then. This time, I put off making the reservation, and contemplated the idea of taking a cab to and from the airport, and getting the rental at a location in the city instead, which was a lot cheaper.

However, I get in late on a Thursday, and decided that I wasn't sure I would be able to get a cab to go out to my aunt's house at that time, nor how much it would cost. Today, I just went ahead and rented it to get at the airport, going by the idea that if you have a problem that can be solved with money that you have, and it will make things easier, just do that.

And lo and behold, for some reason it was a lot cheaper than it had been when I looked into it last month. Like, from $575 to under $450. I'll take it!


In other news, I took an online vocabulary test, because that's just the sort of word nerd I am, and woohoo, I am full of words! If you can't brag on your own blog, where can you?

I got avulse wrong, which is unsurprising as I never heard of the word before.

Still, one wrong out of 50? I will pat myself on the back all night.


  1. Nice job on the vocab, but I'm not surprised! Also - love it when procrastination pays off!

  2. I love vocabulary tests! I used to rent cars frequently when I traveled but they have gotten very expensive.

  3. Go ahead and brag. (I've never, ever heard the term Avulse, and I'm a word nerd, too.)
