Sunday, September 15, 2024

Early Birthday Present, Part One

My mother always gives me some money to have fun with around my birthday, so when I was looking at some project bags and couldn't choose between two fabrics, I told myself, happy birthday, and got both!

The first is this:
Obvious choice for me, what with cats and books and rainbow colors. Perfect!

This one is more subtle:

"But ccr," you say, "that's just a pretty blue and white pattern!" 

Look it? See the Tardis? The Weeping Angels? That's right, a tribute to my favorite episode of Doctor Who. (Hint: if you haven't seen it and plan to watch it, don't read the Wikipedia entry on it: it's a mess of spoilers that takes the fun of the puzzle out if it.)

Anyway! These are the large drawstring bags from KnitSpinQuilt on etsy, and are well made and capacious. Remember the three skeins of yarn I'm trying to choose between? They fit in a bag with room to spare.

Did I need more project bags? Absolutely not. Am I happy to have these? Totally!


  1. Sometimes things we want don't necessarily intersect with things we "need" and that's what makes them so special. Which is especially nice when it's associated with a birthday gift.
    It reminds of that part in A Tree Grows in Brooklyn where they make coffee and then throw it away because it feels luxurious to do so. Sometimes doing those little extras gives a real mental and emotional boost!

    1. I agree! And not only does it make me happy to purchase things like this, it makes my mother happy that I am using the fun money for fun!

  2. I love them. And project bags can hold projects in progress, too, so you need several. I have lots that hold project contents that I can just pick up and go, depending upon the situation. One is always stocked for dishcloths, another for teddy bears, another for teddy hand puppets. That way, I always have a project on hand for a quick knit in the car or a meeting or whatever!

    1. That's a smart way to plan! I have to knit a handful of catnip mice for friends, and I should set up a bag with what's needed for that, so I can grab and work on them.

  3. Those are perfect for you! Just perfect!

  4. These are fantastic! I love them both. And I especially love that the Dr. Who fabric is kind of stealthy about what it is. Super cool.

    1. I kind of love the subtle nod, yeah. Sneaky in a good way!

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYYYYYY!!!! Those are awesome!

    1. Thank you! I enjoy spreading out the season of celebration like this.

  6. Those are wonderful project bags! I'm not a Dr Who watcher but I love the design and colors.

  7. Oh, I LOVE the cat bag!!! And I love your reason for loving the blue and white one, although I've never watched Dr. Who (cringe! Sorry!)

    1. No cringe needed! I watched for about five years, so I can speak to the ninth and tenth doctors but nothing since, so I'm hardly an expert. But I can get enthusiastic about the ones I watched!

  8. Happy early birthday! I love the cat drawstring bag!
