Thursday, July 04, 2024

From Schoolhouse Rock for the Holiday

When I was a kid, I loved the Schoolhouse Rock segments that played as part of Saturday morning cartoons (IYKYK). They were fun and I learned things from them without feeling like a lesson was being pushed on me (set it to music and I'm halfway there). I'm Just a Bill, Conjunction Junction, so many great ones.

For instance, this is why I know the words to the Preamble to the Constitution:

And for some reason, this week, with Independence Day as well as the recent "Supreme Court"* ruling, I am also thinking of No More Kings:
*Not feeling so supreme right now, I have to tell you.

Hmmm, yeah. I mostly loved the word ones, of course, but this week, history is more pressing. As someone on social media put it:

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

I Wish I Had This Pie Today

Happy 4th of July to the Americans reading, happy Thursday to anyone else. (I guess there might be a few readers from Canada? Happy belated Canada Day to you. Does anyone read from anywhere else?)

The topic of holiday desserts came up in a recent chat with friends, one of whom has to bring something to a 4th of July event, and I remembered that I had made a stars-and-stripes pie one year. I checked the blog, because of course I did, and yes, I wrote about it! Good girl, ccr, who needs a memory when you have a blog.

Bonus Carlos picture at the end of that post, bonus Maggie picture on this one.

"Every day is a holiday to me, but if Mom has extra lap time, I'll take it."

Monday, July 01, 2024

The Joys of Anticipation

I am, as I have written before, a person who really enjoys having things to look forward to, whether it's lunch with a friend or a vacation or just yarn in the mail ("just"). I took a look at my remaining vacation time for the year, and had a good think about plans and possibilities.

A few years back, my company started giving us an additional day for our birthday, to be used on the day itself or the nearest workday if it's on a weekend. My birthday is on a Wednesday this year, so that starts things off. I'm hoping to get up to Apple Festival around then (it's always over Columbus Day weekend, aka Indigenous Peoples' Day), though I'm not making reservations yet. But hey, you know ... I could just go ahead and take off the Thursday and Friday after my birthday ... and the whole week after that ... and have flexibility and a REAL break from work!

I look at that on the calendar, and the week at Thanksgiving when my brother is here, and know that I should have some time left to take in December...ahhh. What a good feeling.